Todd Bee

I remember reading a story here on Jalopnik about if the battery goes dead in a McLaren, it’s a complete nightmare to get get in the car. The physical location for the key was deep in the side scoop and because the battery was dead, it was common and possible to damage the window opening the door because the window

This isn’t unique to Tesla, just that it’s harder to access the 12v battery. For instance, the Nissan Leaf is known for killing the 12v battery for a number of reasons, like leaving the car on the charger for too long.

It’s almost as if pregnancy isn’t even the real issue...

Ugh that bamboo thing...

When the court decision dropped granting them access to the ballots, it must have been the worst thing that could have happened to them. As long as they didn’t get access, they could continue to pretend to be the aggrieved little guy, but now that they've got everything they wanted, they have to actually do something,

Asking your dog to guard a brisket?

This is a very telling remark. He and every other GOPer knew this was ridiculous from the start, but just like with Dump, they thought it would be useful, controllable idiocy that they could steer to the voting booth. When the absolutely 100% predictable result of rabbit holing and lunacy appeared, destroying the last

Look like

Every bit this. I never met the man, but I somehow loved him and his death hit me harder than most relatives that have passed.

Man, Bourdain is the only celebrity whose death rocked me and still rocks me to this day. Adam Yauch sort of did but that has faded. I still cannot bring myself to watch the Bourdain episodes of whatever that I’ve missed in the past or read anything I haven’t.

Bourdain was a person that seemed like an everyman, like

A friend of mine’s sister was a US Marshall. She’s an absolute psychopath.

Now playing

I love how this cop’s punishment is in getting kicked off a U.S. Marshals body bag team and back onto the streets.


You know what, after half a million dead, a homelessness crisis that’s going to be unlike anything we’ve seen before, and a goddamn insurrection formulated the former president of our country, let the joshes have their fun.

Lindell has replaced his crack addiction with an attention addiction. His need for the limelight, even in the backwaters of the right-wing Internet universe, is greater than Trump’s. It’s telling that The Donald doesn’t seem to think that light is bright enough to bother with.

My go-to is “Okay, so I KNOW that you’re lying, now what I’m trying to understand is WHY?”

Whatever happened to just calling someone an asshole? Or a piece of shit? Or dishonest? All these simple ways of describing things that are, in actuality, very simple indeed.

What you say is two words...

A lot depends on your needs and how well you can manage them in your situation. I go more for non food goods, though there are some food items we characteristically buy as long as we’re at it. Also, in my area, since a Costco is nearby, the savings on gasoline alone are pretty significant.