Todd Bee

It’s nice but not at $6k. Guess they want you to pay an extra $2k for nostalgia. At $6,000 you could get a used Miata if you wanted better looks and more ‘sporting’. I bought exactly the same year and model - in ‘blech’ brown - back in ‘88 and loved it. You’d be at 70 on the highway without a thought, and it felt

Why it was so sexy, it had a garter belt - the green band tying top and bottom together. Dude even tosses it to the side to get to the good parts in the video.

Yeah. Natural wellness. Super fun plan everybody! Maybe if they try hard enough they can get all nutritional supplements removed from our food supply. No more Vitamin D in the milk. Iodine in the salt, treatment of the water supply, treatment of our sewage. What a wonderful, panacea - of death - awaits!


Jumping to conclusions.  I am world class in the field.

Your article got me thinking about reparations. And then I ran across this article in The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jun/30/climate-crimes-oil-and-gas-environment.

I think that lack of concern for your supporters has become part of the appeal, somehow. Anti-logical behavior is now the hallmark of being part of the ‘movement’. And so I guess we have the literal definition of a cult. Just look at Texas recently making it easier to get and carry a gun. Too many people being shot -

So how in the ever-lovin’-Christ-on-a-pogo-stick do I get a new, reliable pickup that does not cost more than the down payment on my house? Oh, and doesn’t make me look like an instant bro douche afraid to not drive an armored, mechanized penis?

This is a trap set for workers of all sorts, and it’s been used over and over again. All you need to do is convince the worker that it’s possible to beat the odds, to be the one who gets the killer tips/commission/account/etc. Your boss tells you that you get paid X but your earning potential is really without limit.

We also have a gut-level reaction to poverty - that it’s contagious - so don’t hang around those people.

I hate that Steve Martin obscenity-fest scene. It was useless. It did nothing to advance the story. All it did was make me think the character was a dick - at a helpless cashier - who must still attend to his supremely privileged needs. She should have called security and had him removed. Then let him rant about the

I vote for cockroaches. They never really hurt anyone and they’re notoriously friendly, even on 4chan.

Reminds me of a job application I saw back in the day - entry level of course - that asked for a candidate who had three years of experience in ASP (told you it was a while back.) That was longer than the ASP language had been available at the time.

I believe you have clearly defined a culture war.

The fools bargain is always the same. “It promised to eat me last. Pretty good deal.

When the only tool you have is an AR 15 ...

True. And being really awful at everything is actually on brand for the Trumps, Florida and the current version of the GOP.

I wonder if that would open the door to “well, then the man gets to decide, too” argument. Are their rights and the legal right to exercise them, not equal in the absolute in the eyes of the constitution? I’m not saying you’re wrong but a conservative would be perfectly happy to equate the rights of both partners.

I have done exactly as you describe. And you don’t need to live alone - just protect it from those kiddies. I keep mine in the fridge - covered so other foods don’t add unwelcome funky-ness to it. Toast or microwave any sort of baked good and just spread a dollop on top. Every morning should start with this magical cho

I’ve long felt that engineers who design these products should be forced to go through the process themselves. Ok, the batts dead. Now go get it sorted. At night. On the side of the highway. In the rain. With the wrong tools. If the engineer doesn’t express a whiff of frustration from start to finish we go to phase 2