Todd Bee

I wonder if that would open the door to “well, then the man gets to decide, too” argument. Are their rights and the legal right to exercise them, not equal in the absolute in the eyes of the constitution? I’m not saying you’re wrong but a conservative would be perfectly happy to equate the rights of both partners.

I have done exactly as you describe. And you don’t need to live alone - just protect it from those kiddies. I keep mine in the fridge - covered so other foods don’t add unwelcome funky-ness to it. Toast or microwave any sort of baked good and just spread a dollop on top. Every morning should start with this magical cho

I’ve long felt that engineers who design these products should be forced to go through the process themselves. Ok, the batts dead. Now go get it sorted. At night. On the side of the highway. In the rain. With the wrong tools. If the engineer doesn’t express a whiff of frustration from start to finish we go to phase 2

Break the loop.  Leave the apartment and never look back.

Great combination of conditions - a corps of psychopaths and a rule that says, If the one with the badge can devise the slimmest of excuses - “I was in danger because I couldn’t tell if I was in danger.” - then everything is just fine. Oh and we get to investigate ourselves if anything ever looks kinda’ hinky.

The internet?  Is that thing still around?!?!

You know, I use “Ted Nugent” (in quotes) as a sanity check. I simply say to myself, “Is the thought in my head one that is likely to pass from Ted’s brainpan to his mouth?” If the answer is No, I continue. If the answer is Yes, immediately abort and dump all to an error file. I think anyone in that list of (LOL)

I think I would have liked your dad.  Sounds pretty cool.

I have fallen out of love with the likes of Costco. It’s just so hard to make the system ‘pay’. While I can see the logic of getting a three month supply of something, it comes at a cost. The unit prices are usually pretty good, but you’re made to buy way too much. Every single item you put in your cart runs $15 to

It is a different threat, but they surely do belong in the shadows. The further out of the mainstream the better. They should be afraid to be loud and proud. I’m sure they would be only too happy with ‘undesirables’ being pushed to the margins so it’s simple fair play.

My entire adult life I have disliked tipping. Of course I do tip and I usually give a nice healthy one. I do it because I realize the disadvantage of the servers. My problem with tipping is the relationship it implies. You only throw a pittance at someone when you look down on them. Sort of, “Here poor person. Here’s

All of the best children’s lit is SUBVERSIVE! That’s what makes it good. It’s always about doing the right, humane, kind thing instead of turning away, doing what the grownups or all your friends tell you to. About really understanding and waiting before making judgements. It’s about human connection. Odd how many

Journalism is always looking for the seamy underbelly of, well, anything. A city, a culture, and especially an image being sold to the public. When it can’t be found and demonstrated with concrete examples, it can still be implied. The public already has a deep mistrust of any facts and images they’re presented with -

I wasn’t aware of all of that, so thank you for a bit of education. So the Dems must have given some sort of reasoning for their hard pass. What was it? I am new to the DC statehood issue.

It feels like Chip and Joanna are such blank slates that we’re all simply projecting whatever we want onto them, and for us, they become that thing. In the end, they’ll be rich and famous. Fine. They’ll create a media and commercial empire.  Fine. Lots of people will make money and one day they’ll be gone. The

I think you have exactly identified the source of the divides we see in this country. The ability of any group to not look at the details, the reality before them makes it possible. I live in Connecticut. One of the bluest of the blue states. And the town I used to live in was festooned with Trump propaganda in the

Yeah, Michael Moore is a semi-clever dope. He’s sort of the Inverse Ted Nugent, perfectly willing to speak out on issues he’s ill informed about, and of course incapable of re-evaluating his thinking thereafter.

“We want to make clear that this behavior will not be accepted at the Legislature, as soon as word gets out. And people start asking questions. And the creep won’t stop creeping.  And the world has our own records that we kept but never acted on. And we have to actually defend doing nothing at all for years.” There!

Agreed.  I’d bet if you asked most any random parent, ‘So, where’d your kid come from?’ you’d at least get confused looks.  And quite possibly some hostility.  Mind your own business.  So long as they love and care for their kids, no one else need concern themselves.

Agreed. It was not the right response. When you get introduced to the world of living and working with an autistic child - I was late to the game since I became the step-dad only two years before - you reach out to people who are experts, or claim to have expertise. Every step forward for your developing child is