Todd Bee

Nothing new.  The GOP played “Born in the USA” when Regan won - a protest song about how awful America had become, especially for our vets.  It was a song telling us of our shame, not our glory.

When I get someone telling me of the evils of socialism I try to counter with, It’s not a question of whether or not we want American socialism. It’s how much socialism do you want in America.

Hate and fear are the keys. Make enough people afraid and they will gladly hand over their minds, morals, and money. Especially their money.

I remember Flynn. The whole reason Obama got rid of him was his fondness for spreading conspiracy theories about the administration he belonged to. They even explicitly told the Trump admin, don’t hire that guy, he’s nuts. So of course they immediately hired him.  Even then, I thought to myself telling Trump to stay

<chef kiss />

I’ll make y’all a bet for $0.00. I’ll bet that somewhere around 6 months after the transition she will not be crazy ENOUGH for the Trumpers. Every single time the bullshit actually becomes too obvious, they amp it up even more. This is the base that went along with Alex Jones - the guy selling “Obama was using child sl

There are already articles in the press about the looming civil war in the republican ranks. The current version of the party could not possibly deserve it more. Well done everyone! Hell, I used to be a Republican myself but when the likes of Newt started to ascend I was out. With ‘The Orange Menace’ still roaming the

I say let Trump own that one. Slap his name on a veto of a bill the military is officially behind to fix bases named for traitors to the Constitution. I know the openly, and slightly closeted, racists will love it but it’s not like we were going to reach them anyway. I think if signing the bill is one of the very

But it will be fun to remind them of the disconnect. Every. Single. Day. Go ahead and invite ‘the opposition’ to speak on whatever has outraged the rightwing media hive in the moment. There are enough examples of their concerted awfulness in the recent past to last for a dozen election cycles.

I know the Regrettes, but their cover here is new to me.  Thanks for the lift.  Love the lot of ‘em. Wish I could find this one on Apple Music.

I think you’re right that he’d never win again, even if he did run. Trouble is, grievance is the fuel for this entire ‘movement’. And now their grievance is both imagined and real.

Putin be just like the drug dealer in Good Girls, “You tried?!?! You’re paid to WIN bitch!!

Ooo! Ooo!  Pick me!  I know the answer!!!!

You’re spot on. Even if they didn’t hate him they’d never back him. I was in the military and let me tell you, any of the real chill bad-asses know Trump’s brand of horseshit at the first whiff. They would not be fooled even if his approach was far more elegant. Even if there were some in the service willing to drink

Nope. Anything digital can be faked.

Arrested = public record with the person’s name and address. I think you can even get the information on line these days. May take time to process.

Yeah. Probably a bit too far there. They are not truly equivalent, but the more basic protections afforded citizens by the constitution also apply to noncitizens according to previous rulings by the Supreme Court.

I think that policy in some respects was worse than the Japanese internment camps the US set up during WWII. Both are abominations but at least they didn’t explicitly destroy families and then say, ‘yeah, well whatever.’