Todd Bee

If the posts are structural and the beam in the roof does not have a break between the next two columns it would likely not collapse the roof.  The other columns should easily carry the load. A single 4x4 post can support dramatically more compression load than one would figure. Depending on the length of the columns

Good point. We’re already up to our eyeballs in policies, studies, think tank reports, opinion pieces, etc. No matter your current position on any issue, there are endless piles of information that will tell you: It will work / It won’t work / It already worked / well, it almost worked, but / etc. Absolutely no one is

Creative. But you’ll create an instant super-fund site. Ain’t nobody cleaning that mess up for nothin’!

My favorite moment from the speech was when he said Trump is all to happy to call the front line workers heroes. But he’s not willing to get them the PPE they need to protect themselves. One hundred percent on target. I guess if you tell soldiers to attack a fortified position with pointed sticks, their actions would

Exactly. Where are the homey little moments of Trump reaching out to the little guy, or selflessly giving to others? Honestly can you even imagine him being relaxed and chill in a room full of small children? Just picturing it makes my skin crawl. The best Trumps team can hope for is everyone saying, we don’t need

Damn!! I need a cigarette!

I remember talking to a co-worker when the question of why some statement made in public was racist and thus it was fair to call the person racist. I don’t recall the details, it was a couple years back but we’ve never been short of examples so everyone just pick your favorite. Anyway, it started to get through when I

Air is an insulator. It resists the transfer of heat considerably more than water does, largely because it’s a gas. The molecules are spaced further apart so do not transfer heat from one molecule to the next (conduction) as easily as water. It does take energy to cool either one, but water makes a very good ‘heat/cold

You have a point. I think the primary system tends to push candidates closer to the extremes. The most devout followers will show up for the primaries. But the numbers to win elections are always closer to the middle. Wonder if going back to committees would improve the quality of the candidates? I’m sure we’re not

Belief has never been all too troubled by an absence of facts. And doubly so today. I mean, where are all the tales of MS-13 today? Did they just pack it in because of the raw power of Donald Trump? (Well of course they did.)

I wonder what would turn the tide against this form of political self-destruction. Call them clowns and more people just pile into the clown car. Call them dangerous and support grows because they’ll,blow up the system.” Try to argue reasonably and logically and you will be in a pissing contest where the other

Love it!! I can see the agent’s office already ... “Dorris!! Get Del Amitri on the phone, pronto!!”

Not looking to disagree, but I think I know what to ‘remove’ and it’s not Larry Dallas’s beard.

There was never a time when the feeling mattered less than the truth. Yes, there were decades of logical, philosophical discussions and arguments in favor of the conservative dao, but it was all window dressing. Trump’s ascendance is proof of that. They couldn’t drop those supposedly long-cherished principals fast

Absolutely.  And we should be able to see the guns, drugs, explosives and body parts stowed in their luggage as well.

I think the smart thing to do with Uber and Lyft would be allow the workers themselves to choose. They sign a 3, 6, or 12-months long contract to be W2 workers with benefits etc. at rate X. Or they sign on as 1099 workers at rate X + X%. Having that diversity of worker types helps all workers.

And I hope every one of them gets great big gobs of money from Epstein’s estate. It won’t undo a single injustice but you just try and tell any decent human being they don’t deserve it 10 times over.

After my family and I watched Obama speak there was a moment of silence. I knew we were all feeling the same thing, longing for him to come back and lead us, even for a moment. I actually had the presence of mind to say, “And that is what leadership feels like! Can you feel that?” They all got it.

Not trying to single you out ArtistAtLarg, but I want to remind folks here that there is no lack of racism in the north either. I am a life-long resident of ever-so-correct-and-liberal Connecticut and from childhood to just the other day I can vividly recall countless racist acts, statements and attitudes. I think the

You’re aiming low. Try Soros, the evil seed master!