Todd Bee

I am less than impressed with Mr Clarkson and do not care to give him a pass because this is his ‘shtick.’

Dear Mr. Clarkson. I remember reading a piece you had written, about some car or other, and being absolutely incensed at the bigoted, condescending, vitriolic attitude you expressed toward Americans in it - better still, that wasn’t even the point of your piece, it was merely an aside, as though you’d simply found a

Such a supreme lack of self awareness makes my brain for a logical answer like, ‘Is this guy off his meds?’ ‘Was he recently struck in the head?’ Just a stunning lack of sensitivity and self control. How did this guy ever end up in that position? If these incidents show who he really is he must have put up one hell of

Not quite either. I never learned her actual ancestry but she is ‘olive skinned’ with brown eyes and has long, very curly hair, on the edge of being an afro. Going only by appearance you would not think, Western European. For all I know she could be one step removed from the royal family but she doesn’t look it.

XKCD has a very strong example of the, making a bad relationship work point in this article. Be sure to read the alt text.

Your point about the bumper sticker reminds me of a story one of my professors told the class one day. She was traveling in the south some years ago - I assume in the 60s or 70s - and she stopped to get gas. The attendant told her, “Now make sure you don’t stay here in town tonight.” She was confused and asked, “Why?”

Just my two cents on ‘the math adding up’. In my experience it never does add up. Unless the housing market your buying in is increasing in value far above inflation will you never walk away from a home with any actual profit. In fact the only person in the process who is almost guaranteed to loose money is the buyer.

Thank you for writing this, Aliya. I became a step-dad to two daughters and a son about 10 years ago. Whenever the prospect of talking to them about consent has come up, I have felt completely at sea. No one ever had a discussion about it with me growing up so no good examples to work from. In my upbringing sex was

“How could you do this?!”

So glad we came up with that ‘if we do something wrong, we’re allowed to investigate ourselves rule’. It’s just all kinds of win.

I’m so glad it’s not being handed out to girls/women/females only. Gender and/or biology should not be a deciding factor in who should support feminism.

And to push your French-Toasting over the edge, go with Challah, the best bread known to French-Toasters ever.

Hiking? ... Oh, commuting but with no actual destination. Now I get it.

Yes. That’s exactly correct. Except when it isn’t.

Not to worry, people. The republicans have the solution in hand: 1) Elect them so they can remove the burden of too much regulation on big business - like paying a living wage, health coverage, equal pay for equal work, binding arbitration for labor groups, etc. 2) ??? 3) We’re all fat, rich and happy.

So, we have physical evidence, corroboration, and a firmly established pattern of behavior. Well, he’s really good at running into people and tossing a ball around. NFL thinks, “How do we not loose him and all the money he brings us? I know, we just say, “She tots crazy.” Everyone (men) knows females are stoopid and

God bless you Marie Wilcox. And thank you Jia for letting the rest of us know about this story.

You know they make post bottoms specifically for this purpose. If the posts have a lot of load on them the bolts may eventually sink in to the wood. And they would certainly sink into the wood’s end grain unevenly. Now you have a deck that leans, AND has no actual connection to the concrete piers.

We’re missing a golden opportunity here. We should hang on Trump’s every word. What better way to know, in precise, glaring detail, the image of America we want to leave on history’s ash heap? Never stand in the way of someone making his own idiocy so abundantly clear. Believe me, you want to know EXACTLY what this

Thank you for highlighting this young woman’s comments. I am the step-dad to two absolutely amazing young women, ages 13 and 19, and I try to share stories like this with them. The more examples I can find of women being thoughtful, intelligent and outspoken I can bring to them, the better. I want them to choose to