Does anyone remember those 4-5 black kids f-ing couches etc to music. Do I get money for that, Cus I know I made that up.
Does anyone remember those 4-5 black kids f-ing couches etc to music. Do I get money for that, Cus I know I made that up.
so having a giant wood box, the gas for the hearse, etc is more eco it
can we do that now?
no duh shes overweight work out, you feel good afterword...just like sex, put the work in and your body rewards you.
but he isn’t funny nor is she talented.
i thought the black community just carried it around in their purse, female or male(maybe a scorcho packet in a wallet)
they dont get paid at all...but girls that athletic, pretty and flexible dont need a minimum wage job.
who cares. I kneeled today to wipe up some water i spilled, tout me as a hero.
or this was when kill bill came out and nerds didn’t exist to be douchey. your the kind of person to report, aren’t you?
just women.
would you date a man that did the exact same thing?
Mexican food in Florida SUCKS!
They do this because they don’t receive the game that day to sell. They usually arrive 2-3 days beforehand at least, I’m sure you know. They don’t want retailers that may sell the game early.
II just always want to know what the turnaround is on these pieces.
are you a great big fat person?
Do all professional workplaces allow children/newborns? This is dumb.
Ask mowgli.
I don’t how these states do bail. You can be a first time DUI offender here in OC, CA and be set at 50,000 but an accused rapist in Michigan is only twice that.
I’m guessing you think cars can’t park in these spots too, only wheelchairs. Or rather, one arm/legged stick people on the letter C.
Are they biologically different?.... Or is it about risks and things?