

just women.

would you date a man that did the exact same thing?

whats cooler? being a tv host or being featured in a comic. BOTH...cool stuff.

Mexican food in Florida SUCKS!

They do this because they don’t receive the game that day to sell. They usually arrive 2-3 days beforehand at least, I’m sure you know. They don’t want retailers that may sell the game early.

II just always want to know what the turnaround is on these pieces.

people talk about concessions, more customers more profit etc. I dont know. I buy candy from the 99 cent store before hand(w/ or w/out moviepass) and just watch the movie. I also rack up points via regal app/pass and get free popcorn/drink . This version of movie pass may not continue to exist but there will be a

toaster doesn’t reach the tub?

Do all professional workplaces allow children/newborns? This is dumb.

She would have just been sacrificing the lives of the people that were on that planet. The larger ship in orbit was going to leave with or without them, I think you are confused.

Alot of pink eye in the quiet place.

Motion capture still needs animators to fine tune it, it just speeds up the process. You also can’t Mocap for cartoony motions.

Ask mowgli.

I don’t how these states do bail. You can be a first time DUI offender here in OC, CA and be set at 50,000 but an accused rapist in Michigan is only twice that.

or it was a movie

its a movie

i think jj abrams aim is to not have a clear ending....not that they are good.

just because one person says a thing doesn’t make it true