Your analogies are all flawed.
Your analogies are all flawed.
Shut up, Karen.
Right, I did not meant to suggest the Collapse should be an entire thing, but flashbacks to it as backstory to establish where the characters in the Dark Age hark back to.
I don’t understand this argument, either.
The people who think this means other games are missing the point entirely.
There’s a ton of lore presented and virtually endless avenues to pursue.
I would love them to do an exploration into the Dark Age, and a TV series would be a great way to go. Start with the fall of the Golden Age, then deep dive into the Dark Age.
I never understood that argument:
How long have you had your tesla?
Oh, honey.
Stimulus check money isn’t driving the sports card market. Suggesting as such is ignorance of the institutional investors looking for returns as the stock market gains are effectively tapped out.
Whoever bought this is never going to open the packs. This is an investment.
Thank god for the stasis nerfs in PvP. There’s nothing more annoying than facing a team full of stasis noobs.
Jeff, we know why you don’t like 60 minutes.
Shh dont confuse the morons with “logic” or “reason”.
If you’re surprised at the fortNITE demographic then you clearly do not know demographics of the game. at. all.
How many 18-24 year olds do you know? Also, do you think that group you do know represents the demographic on a global level?
Yet another “custom” which totally ruined the truck. The original (as shown) is fantastic, clean lines and proper proportions which are all missing from today’s monstrosities.
These jobs would not disappear and your fear mongering is sickening.