
Cue the mindless Musk zealots telling us how dumb we are for pointing out how dumb this project is. 

You didnt define why theyre popular.

Iimagine being such an asshole you take a story about misogyny and sexual objectification and complain about her headphones.

Who the fuck cares? Only misogynistic assholes like you.

Your immediate response to a female streamer bringing to light the unending sexual objectification all women online face was to criticize her choice of headphones.

Dont you have a trump rally to attend?

Get lost, dummy.

You’re focusing on the headphones of all things while ignoring the real problem of objectification of women by men in all facets of life. Moron.

Fuck off. This isnt the place for this discussion. 

No, dumbshit, it means you obvious lack of empathy and context means you're an asshole. 

*that* is your reaction to this article?

Who is this Eddie Bower you speak of?

Oh just stop. You're not buying this car even if it had a manual.


Got to love the inane shit talkers making up stories as they go along with neither facts nor research to back up their claims.

Your reality is not the reality most Americans face and its the fucking boomers who have put everyone there you dumb son of a bitch.

If you're living pay check to pay check for decades you sure as shit shouldn't be financing a Corvette. 

Fuck you. 

Fuck the baby boomers.

100% of the people pissed at the mid engine layout are also trump supporters.