
Getting rid of loot boxes will do nothing for the guy with addiction issues-he will just find another outlet for his fix and people like you will beg the government to again step in where they arent needed.

It's not "predatory" to offer gamers an OPTION to spend money in game. 

You and your ilk keep using this word "predatory". It doesn't mean when you think it does.

“But the kids!” Is the studipest and laziest defense ever invented.

If your kids are spending your money with no oversight, that tells me all *I* need to know about your abhorrent parenting skills.

There is literally no solution to someone grabbing a phone and dialing a 900 number. There a litany of tools available to stop a minor from making purchases.

It’s not predatory. Again, what an adult chooses to do with his or her own money is none of your damned business.

Again why do YOU and this bass ackwards politician get to decide how everyone plays and pays for their gaming experience?

If your kid is running up transactions in games they play, then pull the credit card or disable purchases. There are already no shortage of remedies for this problem which can be engaged before allowing am ignorant and corrupt GOP the leeway to enforce legislation. 

The government should not be in the business of attempting to protect people from their own behavior. That same thought outlawed alcohol (which created organized crime here) and made marijuana a schedule I controlled substance.

Why? Because you say so?

It’s amazing but not surprising the number of tone-deaf, entitled pricks in these comments.

Theres no contract signed, dumbass. 

Why not?

Even side gigs should treat their employees like employees, prick.

Attempting to force your culinary habits in another culture and rude as hell? Who would have thought youd have both of those traits. 

If he is so ill that its forcing him to play this poorly he needs to sit. 

The 90s sucked. And their return is somehow worse.

The 90s sucked. And their return is somehow worse.

You dont get to try to force your culinary habits on another society.

Oh good lord no, you dont use a spoon. That's *not* how you eat spaghetti.