I hope they do 80s and 90s action films next...
I hope they do 80s and 90s action films next...
No, perhaps I did. I wasn't aware the original video was pulled. (Not that it matters, on the internet.)
Alleged adjective is alleged.
I will blame them for trying if they don't even so much as take their own damned video down first. This is just more smoke and mirrors of the "leak". Gee, whoops!
The Se7en. In a heartbeat.
I will nominally agree with you, but further clarify for those unfamiliar that it's the stretch between Windsor and Chatham that is, by far, the MOST BORING stretch of the 401. I've done the drive countless times, but once I get past Chatham (heading towards Windsor) it's like an oppressive haze of ennui descends and…
"Playful"? Did she at least give the student the safe word??
Nissan's social media experiment will be a more drawn-out version of when Mazda came to Jalopnik for next-gen Miata input. They'll ask, they'll politely listen, and then (if they're nice) they'll politely tell you why they're not going to do any of the stuff you'd suggested.
Ah, oui, zhat would be goot!
I think he was trying to say "what car?" The Camry was so beige he didn't even see it.
If they want interest, revive the CERV III concept. Now THAT was an interesting vehicle.
Supplier misstep, or GM-authorized leak? That seems like an awfully big screw-up for a Tier-1 supplier to make.
I like your second idea... but the graffiti artist needs to jump ON to the Fiesta, and tag the Fiesta itself while in motion.
In other words, R&T is going online and hoping to catch some Jalop cred while doing so. Call me wary, but hopeful.
I wouldn't stand that close, even with a Jersey barrier between the cars and myself. That was a crowdsourced clusterfuck right there.
He was promoted from within. He drank the Kool-aid as much as anyone else in RIM has. He won't profit from its failure nearly as much as an outsider appointed CEO would have.
No, it's just saying their next set of hardware (running BB10) will have NFC. What else could it really mean?
#3 I read as "BB10 handsets will have NFC". Nice, but whoop-de-doo.
There's a forum for it: #planelopnik
Agreed... those headlights look way too big on that vehicle. Heck, they'd look big on a minivan.