
It educated lots of engineers - mechanical, electrical, computer - sure, but what technology did it develop that gave us greener cars? If you're arguing that educating automotive engineers is enough, you may as well tell Greenpeace to give hugs to your FSAE and Mini Baja teams too. Good luck with that.

1st Gear: I can hardly wait for the price point for the SS Performance to be announced so we can have a new "for that price you could get a" meme.

Alright, I misspoke. I should have said, "Point: does it always have to be *JUST* about power, and not just something interesting/unique?" You'll note I never once suggested anything anemic or wheezy just because it would be fun/interesting. Neither of my off-the-wall suggestions are that. But if you'd rather

Fair enough. Believe me, I'm all about cost-effective reliability. I just like creativity too... the SBC just seems like too easy an answer... but that doesn't mean it isn't the right answer.

Why? Yes, the LS is ubiquitous, cheap, and can be made to whatever power level you want. But it's a "me too!" kind of thing. Why can't we come up with something more interesting?

Wheels and aerodynamics? Those are the technologies you propose are developed in the Solar Car Challenge that are ultimately used in passenger vehicles? Airplanes use wheels and aerodynamics... I'm sure the aerospace industry is really glad the SCC came along to help them.

I'll grant that. But ask yourself this: does the Solar Car Challenge use the skills and have the technologies that exist in the automotive industry? Skills... perhaps. Technology? I call no way.

Robotics competitions are fully relevant. I'm not arguing that point, let alone discouraging science and innovation. Don't put words in my mouth. My point is that the Solar Car Challenge is as relevant to greener passenger vehicles as PETA is to fire trucks; they may cross paths, but they're not going in the same

Edit: duplicate post, somehow.

The Solar Car Challenge. Before you flame me, let me clarify:

Gah! You beat me to it.

How 'bout this?

Hey, wanna hang out? It's cool! C'mon over!

I see your mother and raise you a current pastor. All my good stuff goes to G+ now.

Naw, they just misplaced the "OTBA" tag, so they had to throw *something* on there. Unlike the guy did.

NOW I remember!!

Ah! "Right price" it is!

Period-correct, then? I dunno.

