
I kept wondering why VW was associated with Chrysler trucks myself.

Can I get a single flamethrower rear-mounted for my commute? 'Cause that would be just swell.

That is enough to make me never look at an FR-S and go exclusively for the BRZ. BLERK.

If I had the cash for an Audi, I'd spring for an STi instead. I just can't get myself to trust VAG products again.

I'm waiting for the NPOCP of a Jeep converted into a 5/8ths scale Tatra 8x8, because that would be a more responsible commuting vehicle than a full-blown Tatra. Even a 1/2 scale Oshkosh would be fine... #pipedream #notgonnahappen

Allow me to live vicariously through you for a while? I'd love an MX5 or BRZ/FRS, but realistically we need 4 seats and 4 doors. So in terms of reliable + affordable, RWD is out the window, and a 2-4 year-old FWD wagon/hatch is what I'm eyeing.

Fuel costs? No way - they have WAY more in to that project just in man-hours (let alone hardware) that fuel efficiency couldn't have rationally made it to the top of any cost-cutting list. I'm calling it an image choice, not backed in any way by technical merit.

"Make something really freaking awesome to watch explode" and "improve something" are not the same. Case in point: Mythbusters rocket car. More awesome? YES!!!! Improved? Not so much.

Heh, I did the exact same thing. I have yet to present my findings, as I know a new fun-for-me car isn't in the cards (or the budget) for a looooong time, but it was fun to get all the data and let the weighted metrics do the talking. (Used Mazdaspeed3 FTW!)

Two groups of two words: "used cars" and "parts counter".

Walk it over to your local Waynesboro Dodge dealer and you'll figure it out quickly enough. I'm kind of surprised the cops can't ID it - I thought a lot of cops were gearheads.

Has Google ever come out and said why they chose the Prius as their testbed for an autonomous driving platform? Sure, it's the poster child (or whipping boy) for environmentally friendly driving, but other than it being recognizable for that, does it really have any merit over any other vehicle as a test platform?

This doesn't belong under "stealerships". This is a simple case of someone pre-judging someone and/or being uncomfortable with their appearance, not a dealer being a dick. At worst the employee that sent this guy off should get some sensitivity training. Were it not for the tragic back story (which said dealer

Magnetic? I doubt there's enough magnetic material in a typical phone for that to be worthwhile. Although it *could* screw up credit cards, so there's that.

One wonders if the floor of this "power bin" is going to be non-slip and well padded, or whether your mobile device is going to be tossed around like a bean in a hard plastic Hemi-powered maraca.

Ask your mother, Daddy's working.

I want to know what the Prius owners went on to buy. Minivan (kids came)? Used car (lease expired, couldn't afford another lease)? Mustang (f*%k gas savings, I want to pass whenever I damned well please)?

This is not a crack pipe. This is the LSD the government has been introducing into your body via your municipal water supply in conjunction with the mind control drugs being dispersed overhead in the chem trails left by all those government jets, all as administered by that one neighbour that is always, ALWAYS

We get no Polo over here in N.America, so I believe the Corrado was the only way to get a G-Lader here.