
A refreshing choice for NPOCP today - all I had to do was look at the lead picture and I knew I could skip right to the vote. Of all crack pipes, this one's the one you find on the beach, broken, used, with questionable fluids dried onto it, and it just sliced your bare foot open.

The car is trying to kill itself and the owner that did this to it. There is balance in the universe.

Ferrari... on two counts.

The question was about Han Solo, not Malcolm Reynolds. For the latter, a Winnie might just be perfect.


What? No destroyed car? No broken back? OK, props for the new record, but Ken Block at least does it with FLAIR. :)

Anton Viking. Hoth? No problem. Degoba? No problem. Could City? With the optional Helium fill, no problem. Place to smuggle stuff? Uh... hmm, where oh where could he hide things? Oh, right, GIANT FREAKIN' TIRES.

I was hoping for a sweet video. Disappointed reader is disappointed. #ihasasad

She drives a Gmail theme?

If you're going to do the juvenile pussy jokes, I hereby demand that each and every time you reference Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, et al you refer to the company as "the big VAG", and euphemistically describe the loose or tight handling of the products.

I couldn't use "apples to oranges"... they're both fruit. Between the Shelby and my Accent, you KNOW which one's the fruit.

Pffft. Good power for the money? My Accent cranks out 106 hp, and I got it for $10k. That's only $94/hp... eat it, Ford! And don't even get me started on how much better on fuel it is than the Shelby...

*ahem* Yes, I too enthusiastically support the local sports team vigorously! As does Ashton, hence my immediate recognition of him. Yes.

Is that Ashton Kutcher?

King Piggie?

Put in up for consideration for NPOCP and they'd be lucky to get a NP win even at $60k. They turned a Maybach into a drivetrain donor that happens to run & drive.

That can ONLY be a homebrew post-accident fix. No other explanation fits that doesn't involve altered mental health.

OK, now I'm doubly shamed... I should have known that.

#COTD for comment and associated ASCII art. Bravo!

D'OH. Missed that little bit where you didn't neglect pressure. #feelinstupid