
Geez, not everything is a conspiracy you know? Mistakes happen.

Stopping and fine-combing the level is NOT the best way to find all the bots though.

The Polymega will be doing Saturn.

Shame when massive improvements made to a series or movies in a sequel don’t pan out.

I mean I’d love to have a crown I could put on to turn into a sexy princess as well.

Sony will NEVER be able to offer name change.

Tea Party :)

Yeah it is certainly one of the stand-out battles in the game.

Well, assuming they have the original sound files, they could just add them back in at proper fidelity. The Dreamcast game came on two discs and the Gamecube version on one afaik, so there’s 500 GB less space total (even if the second disc has to duplicate a lot of the game world, this takes up much less space than

Are the ports also 4k60 compatible? The Denon receiver I bought some years back only supports 4k30, so is pretty useless for the new consoles :(

Are the ports also 4k60 compatible? The Denon receiver I bought some years back only supports 4k30, so is pretty

I would not be surprised if he isn’t running for Congress but planning a run for 2020.

That’s an interesting insight into Kodama’s design philosophy.

Hello Kitty band-aid is a cute deep cut actually. Cammy loves cats :)

Has no one made PS4 compatible rumble packs for Rez Infinite VR yet?

The problem with Rick and Morty’s fanbase is that there’s a segment that take seem to think that Rick is a hero for saying “fuck it, nothing matters, so I’ll do whatever I want” and take that as gospel, when the show pretty clearly (especially in later seasons) reveals that Rick is NOT a hero and needs serious help

Well, you can lead a horse to water, you can’t make it drink :)

Now playing

Nonsense. Simon Pegg is an accomplished writer, just look at his other works like Hot Fuzz to see how well-put together they are. Yeah they are funny movies, comedies one might say, but amazing top tier movies in their own right:

You DO realize that the scene with the small aliens is foreshadowing the ideological battle between Kirk and Krall, right? The paranoid fear-based Tanaxians parallel Krall’s “Humanity First!” stance, while Kirk as a stand-in for the Federation represents trust, compassion and diversity. The Tanaxians are so

There are a great many things I’d give for a Simon Pegg + Nick Frost written, Edgar Wright directed Trek movie. More than for the Tarantino idea.