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    @Laurenei, I want to personally thank you for creating a charming and normal Asian male character in Fred Wu. As an Asian male myself, it's very rare to find TV characters that both look like me and to whom I can relate. In fact, I should go ahead and thank you for casting such a large selection of Asian characters




    I'm getting the feeling that many us can relate to Vulture's Matt Zoller Seitz when he says that "Homeland Is the Smartest and Dumbest [Fucking] Cable Drama I’ve Ever Seen."

    Jared Ward, if anyone's wondering.



    Solid B+ episode. Started and ended pretty predictably but added enough New Girl flair for it to be funny and heartwarming nonetheless. I mean, isn't that why we love this show in the first place?

    Well you have to consider the fact that Brody was at the point where he didn't care if he died or not. In fact, he even asked Saul to kill him and end his misery. He really didn't have any motivation for living until he saw Dana at the motel, so I doubt the idea of asking how Chris and Jessica were doing seriously

    Ugh. I really wanted to hate this episode…but it provided some ever-so-brief glimpses into of the Glee of old, where the songs were actually creatively placed in the context of the plot…and I couldn't get myself to dislike the episode THAT much. But then it went all self-referential and PSA again and my feelings of

    Could Damien Lewis even qualify for the lead actor category this season?

    I think Saul wanted to put together an on-the-ground team that would look ethnically similar to Persians living in the region they were going to.

    I'm really intrigued that people find it weird that Brody doesn't think about his son (or ex-wife for that matter) before he leaves for Iran. Yes, I know it's a running joke that the Homeland writers write Chris Brody in and out of the show for episodes at a time, but from what I remember, Chris was very young when

    A. I'm a sucker for emotional wallops in a Homeland episode.


    A-. I remember thinking to myself mid-episode, "Man, the New Girl I came to love is back!"