
WTF is the “I have a daughter, so I care about women” sentiment supposed to say about somebody when he states it? Because what it actually says is “I wasn’t human enough to care about half of other humans until I had one that I was directly responsible for and realized how shitty people like me were.”

That’s an intercooloer

I hereby dub thee, Trolls Royce.

Sure looks like this guy spent a lot of time and effort to make it intentionally look like he didn’t spend a lot of time and effort on it...

You forgot to mention certification and testing. It’s very expensive to get a car approved by the regulators, and definitely not worth it for a small run of cheap cars like that.

Get your politics out of my comment thread. Why does everything have to jump to politics...

America is very far from perfect, and criticisms and calls to change are definitely warranted.

This would be a pretty clear no, they’re trying to say it without saying it. Likely because the firm “no” is set for some speech Bill Ford is going to make at a later date and no one can say it till then, or because they don’t want to totally commit to something that could be backtracked if market conditions

I mean as the new CEO he needs to be able to show charts and graphs that justify his position and pay. This is an easy way to make pretty graphs that make him look good.

7. Anything that includes “we should be riding more trains”. I have never thought to myself, can I get crammed in a piss smelling tube with a bunch of strangers.

I got a new Prius as a loaner when my Tacoma was in the shop. While, yes, I can admit it is very high tech and gets phenomenal fuel mileage, it seriously made me depressed driving it. I can appreciate vehicles that are great at what they are designed to do, but I really didn’t like driving it. I’m not some “screw the

Which could be countered with lackofsituationalawareness, go fuck yourself.

This is a fail. There is no way this opinion is unpopular among car enthusiasts.

that ceased to be true when the germans started building cars in America.

I think 1970s Mercedes set that precedent, and then nothing since has lived up to it.

I think Miatas are waaaaay overrated. Shoot!

This thing probably feels slow because it weighs 3600lbs! Can you guys talk about power-to-weight ratio more in your reviews? We can do the math ourselves, but it would be an informative way to compare cars. Power means literally nothing, acceleration is determined by power:weight and gearing. Might encourage people

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Acura.

Torch, I think you spent more time on the graphics than you did thinking through the actual idea.

And as a near suburb resident of Detroit, who regularly visits the city, I have to agree that those two can go fork themselves.