
I suppose any argument that Ryan might make about how partisan that infrastructure is, would include an explanation of how those activists and protesters, being carried on buses, back and forth across the country, do not need god and safe roads and highways to go to all of those places they demonstrate.

I have worked on many infrastructure project, and this is not true, we usually have many bidders very interested on federal and state funded projects.

Neutral: Any road eligible for funding in the state of Michigan.

Sitting at camp at the Rubicon trail a few weeks ago it was near midnight. Suddenly out of the dark came a pair of lights at about 6' off the ground, along with MANY more bright lights. Jeeps would bounce through camp like the monstrous trail it was. These lights moved fairly smoothly and without changing pace. Then,

Check out ev-tripplanner for your specific route but I typically estimate averaging 50mph including charging stops.

The Prius is a much better example of your argument. A sucessful mass-market hybrid completely changed things and showed that electrification is the future. The Model X is the first truly workable, fully electric car, but the Prius proved we’re heading in that direction anyway.

To a technically trained pilot, yes. Joe McScrub who got his instruction on what “autopilot” means from Hollywood creative license? Not so much.

I wish they’d stop calling it Autopilot. It isn’t.

They would if Tesla designers weren’t such big fans of IKEA’s Malm series.

The Model 3 cannot drive itself even remotely well enough for a driver to look at a screen for that long.

This is nuts - and not in a good way. I hope there’s some sort of user flow that involves the steering wheel controls, because no way would I be dicking around with that while driving.