
The issue is the Left leaders can’t have a measured response. Just like Trump makes a point then spoils it the Left takes a valid criticism and runs with it blowing thing out of proportion (taking down Jefferson and Washington monuments for example). 

You SHOULD NOT turn your wheels before you make a turn. If you get rear ended you’re getting launched into opposing traffic.

Wheels stay straight, until traffic is clear and I start moving forward.

I’ve driven them.

It’s not easy to use but the Ferraris have very long (properly sized) paddle shifters so you can’t have turn signal stalks in the way.

It’s a good solution for a car whose focus is on performance, not easy of turn signal use.

The further left the Left goes the stronger the Republicans become.

The Nazi assholes represent a very very small part of the Republican party. They’re derided from all sides. Yet the violence of Antifi is applauded in the media and figureheads of the Left. That’s only going to push more people away and into the arms

This article is impossible to follow.

We need an article discussing these two piece convertibles like this Sunchaser and the Lancia Beta Spyder.

Why was this style so popular in the late 70's-very early 80's?

No Eclipse today?


This is not true in most instances.

Once this becomes more mainstream you’ll see the rise of off peak charging and rates which mirror that need.

Level 2 240v home chargers max out at 6.6 kWh, let’s call the input power 15% more so we’re at 7.6. A central air system uses around 3-5kWh.

Homes have been getting more

Now touch on lead repairing body work before the days of Bondo.

The whole statue thing is not about the statues. It’s about the Left trying to polarize politics even further and call anyone who wants to see them preserved a racist/white nationalist or Nazi. All this while they try and normalize and glorify (Antifa) violence against people the disagree with be it white nationalists

The car stipend is how I usually see it done. That ~$400-$1000 a month could get you a reasonable car but most people just use the money to lease something extra special.

If the original owner really cared that much for the car, he wouldn’t be selling it.

The original is fine, the remake is a copy paste of the design language which does not work well.

Depends on the person. Selling classics is a whole different ball game. People fly 5 hours to look at a car, sometimes the shop the trust is hours away.

It’s not like shoveling econo boxes off the lot. I’ve not bought perfectly good cars because the seller was a jackass about the car. 

I’ve always wondered how fast you could go with them installed......

I’ve had people take cars for 24 hours but I had them flatbed to the shop for inspection or snapped a photo of him and his drivers licence before I gave him the keys.

You sell enough cars and they become commodities. I’m a good instant judge of character. Could I get burned? Sure but it is insured and being trusting

Standard operating procedure.

I’ve test driven even single running car I’ve bought off CL (15+) 90% without the owner with me. This is SOP.

I’m calling it insurance fraud.

Did you mean to respond to me? You’re just copy pasting, and not responding to anything I wrote.