Drake's Hotline

This is me. I work at a small university in Oregon. The only reason I survive is because my husband secured a professorship. It’s important to understand the alienation going on here in addition to economic inequalities. While I teach in the english department, my “office” is across campus, in a small cubicle in a

This. I did my grad work at a research university, and had an instructor gig as part of my fellowship. On average I taught about 400 students per semester. No actual professors taught undergrads, it was all us grad students.

Adjuncts are, of course, far more likely to be female than tenured professors are.

sub-counterpoint; they heard it on the news and believed it because they’re racists and morons.

I’m glad they will only negotiate with terrorists plural, not singular. I was worried there for a sec.

Not only that, we raised shit ton of soldiers for the Union and had the highest per capita of soldiers in the Union Army. Also, Grant and Sherman are both from Ohio. This is why we have the damn Columbus Blue Jackets.

It goes further than that. Ulysses Motherfucking Grant was born in Ohio.

Why mention Black Lives Matter on a replacement marker that has nothing to do with race and everything about a region’s cultural legacy. It’s as if white people know their excuses are nonsense but are too cowardly to admit what they know to be their racist inclinations.

Ohio is just one great example proving that this bullshit is not confined to the south. Racism is a national issue, not a regional one. Thanks, Ohio, for being shitty as usual?

Requisite comment about how Ohio fought on the side of the Union to defeat Lee. But I guess racial resentment trumps history.

The irony is that there’s a 500% chance this little chucklefuck and his mother think athletes are unpatriotic if they take a knee.

They stopped listening to me years ago Breanna. If my highschool best friend’s little brother doesn’t show up in tomorrow’s VSB article about the football game in Parkersburg, I will consider it an extremely small victory.

If you all keep mining (no pun intended) rural Appalachia the Root is going to post a story like this and it’s going to be someone I am related to.

That’s what bothers me, now. The post-election racism has been so damn lazy. Like, if you’re going to insult me, could you at least put some effort into it? Ugh.

I blame the defunding of the public schools for this.

Because they don’t want to. The right to choose extends past abortion, people! Don’t worry about other women’s wombs or eggs (in this case).

  • If only I could find a girlfriend who had the same interests as me!

This isn’t limited to Rick and Morty. Most dudes in fandom these days see themselves as gatekeepers. And almost always trying to drive the gals away. And then they bemoan that they can’t find a girlfriend who’s into the same things they are. MAYBE YOU COULD IF YOU HADN’T CONVINCED HER THAT A WOMAN-BEATING SPORTSBALL

I find with the bulk of people who use the word “fandom” as something other than a pejorative, they are almost uniformly awful to be around. Geeks are worse than obnoxious drunk sports fans.