are you talking about how LeBron wasnt his old self, took two weeks off, hung out in Miami and came back a beast?
are you talking about how LeBron wasnt his old self, took two weeks off, hung out in Miami and came back a beast?
Steroids definitely help with recovery, which is what he desperately needs right now.
trenchant , salient , accurate
The weirdest part about the play, and the result, was that it made it seem like God wasn't even watching the game.
It certainly does, but now I'm curious to see what sports outlet is going to be the first to use a pic of a deflated Lombardi Trophy as its lead in pic to continue this ridiculous "Deflate Gate" crap.
Is Russell Wilson going to blame God for that play call?
They are fucking terrifying.
Well, it's about time MMA had something to sully its image.
Hark! The heretic angels sing!
Religion is stupid. It's stupid. No apologies. No individual choices. Religion is stupid.
He chose to make a subtle political statement in this article
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Are you saying it's not about athletics? Look I'm totally in favor of trans-gender rights and trans-gender people. I just think that acting like there's no biological advantage in competition is naive.
A couple of tipsters have pointed us to an anonymous question printed in the October issue of the New York State Bar…
Just because she is paid doesn't mean it's a corporate box.
I don't normally believe in conspiracy theories, but they fucking let him do that. Lollipop pitch and the catcher didn't even try to make a play.
After 30 years and countless games, many of which watched with my dad, baseball still has a hold on me. It has a transcendent power to reach emotions on every level. It is the American game. This is why you slog through countless seasons in the bottom of the standings. This is why you sit through uneventful inning…