"My face is up here."
"My face is up here."
That's actually surprising to me.
And you just described while it will never get made.
I must say that the re-caps for this show really bum me out. It would figure that SyFy would cancel this show BEFORE they air its' best season(by a huge margin). 18 months ago I could've given a shit if they cancelled this show. Now... I'm pretty bummed.
It's always been amazing to me how that book actually wrung real emotion and depth out of such a goofy toy tie-in. It was always one of my favorites too.
There's some speculation that it's a rift valley not a canyon.
Stan Lee must have sold his soul or something. He hasn't really aged at all.
The average human has a mass measured in kilograms. The average spider that most io9er's would come into contact with has a mass measured in micro-grams. Talk about a mismatch.
I guess you have a point there.
You just brought up one of the reasons I love that trilogy so much. There are so many later plot points that could have gone in completely opposite directions if John Boone had still been alive, and Frank had to live with it.
I guess the question I have is. Is it as stupid and pointless as the 2nd Transformers flick? If not I'll go see it. Nothing could be as stupid and sexist as that piece of shit, and I payed to see it.
Don't be upset. They did you a favor. Worst movie in awhile.
Is it going to be like Pineapple Express, and only be funny if you're...erm, uh "medicated"?
I actually just finished Dune about a month ago. It was a little sureal to me after only knowing the David Lynch vision, but it was a good read and I totally got why the book was such a runaway success.
Now all we need is Warp Drive.
Wow, there seems to be no bottom to the Snyder hate. Personally after reading yesterday's interview with the man I'm starting to get a little excited for this picture. He never said that he planned to make a "darker" Superman. He just said he wanted to bring the narrative out of rut its' fallen into.