Silverstone saw what Forza 7 did with the track in the rain and attempted to copy it.
Silverstone saw what Forza 7 did with the track in the rain and attempted to copy it.
Hooray! In a shitty world in really shitty times, a show that managed to provide 20-something minutes of entertainment and escapism for millions of people around the world each week is finally ending! What a glorious day for people who don’t watch it to celebrate others no longer being able to watch something they…
You shut your whore mouth!
OK, now I feel even older - what’s a SoundCloud?
I was hoping for off the side of the bridge.
Lots of early 20th century, Fords also had crank in them.
His primary concern was always Dick Trickle.
I remember a group of us as 16 year olds doing this at our local mall and giggling like a bunch of school girls. Most people were confused, then would laugh along with us as we hightailed it out of there. Fun times.
This was the first edit that came up on the google search. I couldn’t watch through it at work.
Considering the taxes citizens pay, you’re damn right. If you're going to build a city, you should have a vague understanding as to what the hell you're doing.
I was once in a work truck back in ‘02, and there was a HUGE puddle on account of a broken water main. It was probably a foot deep. Well, most people were idling through it, and I come barreling in at about 40MPH. It was at the last second I noticed a car with it’s windows down... Far too late. Anyway, I hit his…
As someone who became a home owner in the last couple years, I realized I definitely do not want a pool. However, having very friendly next-door neighbors with a pool rocks!
Counter-counterpoint: those hired to do the work see the worst of situations.
Pools are stupid,
The logo on the steering wheel does say “FORD” so maybe he’s the type of guy who always follows instructions....
I thought it was hilarious when I found out that filesystem viewer was real. I thought it had to be a dumbed down movie special effect like most computer UI.
RIP Newman from Seinfeld
“rm -r”