
This turned into a dumb shit we’ve done in our 20's. 141 gps verified (have late 90's screenshot on laptop somewhere) in a 1.8T 4door silver golf between Tucson and Phoenix. Man that CLK 430 was PISSED I kept walking away from him.

Why’s the hood open? ....Just kidding...

That was great. Picked up and sold many things on the lemon lot. enjoyed the “mostly” free garage services available on base too. Huge tool crib of things I would never buy but needed. And the top ten list was hilarious. If we can’t laugh at ourselves for being in the Air Force, who can we laugh at? oh wait, the Coast

Thought it was odd that the vid cut out as it pulled away. lol

Learned there is a Tips@jalopnik.com, so that’s nice and informative. Sent a pic of an Audi A1 I saw in my parking lot.

Like indian jones punches? hahahaha

you’re grey and that makes me sad. This was a great post.

I have a Croatian friend. He said the same thing.

I believe you are supposed to “step to the side like your leg was broken” for it to be part of The Humpty Dance.

And now we debate on how to pronounce it..

I’m not sure how I never saw that one. Thanks for that.

Thanks for the laugh, perfect description:

I see what you did there. Message for you, sir..

read that totally wrong. everyone has to be accepting of who they are. Oh wait you said gray not..nevermind..

You should have the delete button ready tomorrow. That guy is an ass.

you get a star solely for “smishmortion”

Or gun ownership :) Sorry I had to go there.

and now that’s stuck in my head...

I’d have to ask if you are a regular rider. It’s not elitist it’s a fact. If you ride long enough, you are going to crash whether it’s your fault or someone else’s. How is that a hard concept or elitest mentality? Motorcycles are just not seen by cars as well as cars. It’s a two wheeled vehicle and is by its nature