Jade Empire would be solid nostalgia.
Jade Empire would be solid nostalgia.
Nice! That is pretty awesome I must say.
The only thing I could see people arguing is that Thor lost his name when Jane took over the mantle. I personally have nothing against her being the goddess of thunder, but I did find it weird that even though Thor Odinson is his name, he is now just assigned to be called Odinson. Both Beta Ray Bill and Throg had…
It was when Loader Bot talks about how he found a new mysterious companion. It just shows the borderlands symbol when you are picking which people to take with you to fight the traveler.
I left Yvette in prison. I killed Handsome Jack because screw that guy. I shot Finch cause this a for sure way for him to die. I had Fiona be bad cop, but let’s be honest she ended up being the good cop of the two, while Rhys was doing whatever it is he thought he was doing. For Gortys, I choose Springs, Athena, and…
I agree with you. This was an excellent version of the character, and I thoroughly enjoyed the lord of shadows series.
I would suggest looking at your local game store if there is one close by. Several of the shops in my area have huge meets up folks that get together and just board game.
If you decide to go with Pandemic you can always go with Pandemic: the cure dice game. Same rules as the board version, just with dice and a faster setup time. Has all the same ups and downs emotionally that come with opening a Matt Leacock game.
This super reminds me of Katamari, and now I want/need to play Katamari. The theme is super catchy and the commercial is a trip though.
They should have used the helmet from the either under the red hood or the most recent comic book.
Valla has decent push ability depending on how you build her. Yes she is squishy, but if you can maneuver well continue to apply pressure she can push a lane quite well. Though she should have swooped in for the team fight and played the clean up game.
Yes she is!
Day one buy because she is awesome and because it is Motoko Kusanagi. Rather the same voice actress.
Title said Ludicrous violence and I thought someone came up up with a mod to make everyone ludicrous. Much like the spice girls mod for the original.
Honestly I would have made them Anti-heroes. They had such a great set-up for it and you were correct that they were really the only ones to try and stop Arthas in TFT. I think that Anti-heroes they could continue their stories without having to be vilified for one reason or another. Maybe WC4 could change that around…
That’s crazy and I may have to go pick the book up. It seemed to me that BC did a lot of characters wrong in the fact that there was very little mention and then all of a suddenly bam people. Though in WoW’s defense Sylvanas’ story has become quite amazing.
True but if I remember correctly by the end of WC3 he hadn’t turned coated. Though he was a phenomenal character and I was bit sad they played him hard into the you’re a bad guy role.
World of Warcraft screwed his story much like it did to a lot of the folks from the lore.
I’m pumped for Kael! Hopefully they will expand out there other series with the next several heroes. Though I believe Warcraft is one of their longest running franchise so I suppose it makes sense to pull a lot of characters from the lore. Wonder if they will decide to add Gabriel Tosh from SC2 or if he would…
Cain would have a stun called Stay awhile and listen.