
So basically it is Minsc and a new group fighting a new evil that has risen. I haven't read a whole lot of it, but I am not sure if they explain how he is still about.

Minsc and Boo easily one of my favorite parts of Baldur's gate. He is also pretty awesome in the comic that started not to long ago.

My favorite was always asking folks if they watched anime, and they said no. Then started the have you watched x and they are like yeah it was so good. It was always fun to point out to people they watched anime ha ha.

Had to double check the convention at first as I wasn't sure if it was the AnimeFest in Texas, and it is not. It is the AnimeFest in the Czech republic. Good video!

Have to say that the Illidan figure they released years ago from DC Unlimited with the wings was a better looking figure. Also these statues look alright, sometimes NECA does some nice stuff and sometimes it is just okay.

Would love this idea but I doubt Marvel wants Sony to have creative control over Miguel. I bet they wait till they own Spider-Man again.

While a good idea, I doubt they would let Sony have creative control over Miles. He would most likely be held off until they can get the full rights to Spider-Man. Same could be said for Miguel O'Hara, I would love to see a 2099 Spider-Man as well.

Does this mean Dazzler is going back to her brightly colored costumes and such? Last I saw she went very dark in color schemes, and cut her hair in Uncanny x-men.

Never played the games but now I want too. The animation looks awesome.

Yes please!

Makes me wish they had stepped up the knife game like they did in RE4 when the knife was a great backup weapon.

What is this majesty I am seeing here! Is this like a mod?

I like the use of the old capcom sound. Heard that and instantly thought Breath of Fire.

Also white Nick Fury is dying in the main series if I remember correctly.

Aww yiss, Always down for some more Fire Emblem.

Now playing

Excellent commercial Nissin to go along with their samurai in Brazil commercial.

Sad to see Irregular at magic high school didn't make it. No game no life was an awesome show though.

Agreed there is definitely some goofiness going on. In the same key Barry definitely has his stupid moment as well.

Interesting hadn't heard that, but a theory I have is that Oliver will go public at the end of the season with him being green arrow. I think it might be Barry since I think he eventually gets the Flash museum and that's how Edward Thawne gets obsessed with him. I could be totally wrong though.

Yeah. It appears to be the same for The Flash tv show, he is all about removing his mask and telling everyone but Iris his identity. It is interesting to see that the arachnid heroes have said problem. I would be interesting in a seeing more examples of this such as your movie example.