
I say this with absolute honesty: I’m shocked to learn that there’s even a single Encyclopedia Brown story where the guilty party isn’t Bugs Meany. I legit thought that Meany was the eternal whipping boy for all crime in the series, the way that the Washington Generals were the eternal victim of the Harlem

Now, Alfred Hitchcock And The Three Investigators was a series worth revisiting!

To put it simply: Don’t ask him to be Jesus.

Oh. Mah. Gawwd. That single panel validates a whole band on the universal spectrum that I didn’t know needed validation, until now. It’s like the cosmic bookend to this dark panel:

Really? I thought she was excellent in both her acting and her fight scenes, and that she was a much better addition to the film than Common was. I’ll also admit that I’m not a Common fan, and I’ll allow that maybe AmSign speakers would have a more rigorous scale to critique Rose’s performance than I did, and may

What, did orgone energy get scientifically validated as a legit technology sometime in the last 2 years? Shit, I better take advantage of the great investment opportunities that show up my inbox all the time, and start investing in the fields of colloidal silver supplements, hydrino-tech fuel development, and hexogana

Oh, God.  I’m so sorry for your loss.  She sounds like she was a blast to hang out with, and you clearly treasured her friendship.  Keep the memory of her laughter in your heart, for both her legacy and your own path forward.


Do you really feel it’s right to put Snowden in the same category as Assange? Snowden did everything that a responsible whistleblower who fundamentally distrusts his own government could do to minimize any collateral damage resulting from his revelations about illegal surveillance of Americans. Assange haphazardly

It’s some next-level showrunner trolling, that’s for sure. It’s like if Moffat had written an episode of Sherlock that required Cumberbatch to repeatedly opine on a flock of villainous penguins.

Doctor Who’s bestest alien race (and second-bestest freelance police force, after these guys) has returned for Season 13! The Judoon are back, and all is right with the world.

I’m guessing that, in the UK, one hops on the trolley to reach Poundland—as opposed to here in the States, where one takes the express train to Pound-Town.

Baby boomers literally invented the phrase “don’t trust anyone over 30" and now whine about ageism.

Nooo!  Don’t introduce invasive rocks into our local lithosystem!  Indigenous pebbles might be defenseless against some Eurasian super-shale, or the like.

Dude, holding hands around a table at a seance held by Victorian-era Velma, or less-problematic Abby from NCIS is probably a lot more common a fetish than either of us suspect. And the plural of that kind of medium is definitely mediums.

Dude, were all the librarians in Silent Library were all custom-grown in Very Stern Librarian axolotl tanks, or what? That’s why the show was so good. The exasperation on the face of the librarian on the Wasabi Challenge episode broke me.

I want to know how Nicole Scherzinger...knows Montell Jordan’s height off the top of her head.

This—everything in this chain from the “99% of our DNA” comment down to the “ostrich or GTFO”one above—is DAMN fine Kinja.

Sorry to throw this non-sequitur out here, but does anyone know why Splinter isn’t showing on the link bar at the top of every Kinja page with the rest of the sites? Or if it’s related to Splinter’s newest article having been posted yesterday, just before midnight?

I kept waiting for the gut punch that never arrived.