C’mon, now. We shouldn’t slap an article with the “cowardly” tag, just because its writer left off one very recent example of the decades-long international pathology that is modern Islamophobia.
C’mon, now. We shouldn’t slap an article with the “cowardly” tag, just because its writer left off one very recent example of the decades-long international pathology that is modern Islamophobia.
*looks at photo of Mamet at top of article*
Preferably one that didn’t feature puppets for half the damn cast...
As long as I am assured that there will be Elvis MODOKs shooting cheeseburger-shaped psi-blasts, I will do anything I can to help this project happen.
That’s the Occam’s explanation to be sure. But I’ve hit weird spots before, like when an article’s writer (Burneko? Maybe?) seemed to get instantly pissed off as hell at a fairly clever comment on their piece. I asked about it, and turns out the commenter was a pretty major Gawker writer back in the day, and…
I feel you. My wife was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer 3 1/2 years ago, and we’ve gone since then knowing that the 5 year survival rate is 12%—about the same as rolling an 8 on a d8. The first chemo regimen worked great—until it didn’t, and now she’s on a much tougher cocktail. That’s started to lose…
Not understanding this at all, because the only things I’ve seen from 10 to 15 are hilarious super-sarcasmic bon mots. That’s cool, though—there’s no need for me to have to be clued in on everything.
Two things that I find hard to believe about that batshit chart:
C’mon, man... We’re better than this. So her last name sounds like “semen,” so what? Stop shooting fish in a barrel, and try something a little more challenging, okay?
Criminally, feloniously understarred.
Yo, this is some fuckin’ poetry, dude!
Would Deadspin write such an article if say, the EIC at Bleacher Report or The Big Lead or SI or ESPN or Golf Mag stepped down?
Donny, you’re so vain. Your probably think this song is about you, don’t you?
“Well about this time them Duke boys were rigging an election by stealing absentee ballots...”
This is just a reminder that, while his party makes cricket sounds after President Trump exhibits his ignorance of all things trade-related, that same GOP once raked his predecessor over the coals for wearing a tan suit.
Take the kids!
Hang on, now! The goalkeeper’s name is Kepa? So the keeper is named Kepa?
Dick Cheney, is that you?
If Roger the Hutt was still running it, she would have her own show by now.