
That sound you heard was the sound of thousands of Velikovskyites getting rock-fucking hard.

Can’t argue with you there, but there’s kind of a gaping hole in the story as to how she did want to be addressed, and I’m racking my brains trying to imagine what the answer would be. “Sensei?” “Instructor?” “Ms. Threatentothrowshitatakid?”

Um, agreed—but would that be Cimarron-related, or are the limitations on my auto knowledge keeping me from understanding you properly? After all, I was talking about one of these:

Oh, mos def, and I didn’t even think of that angle. Also, I’m laugh-crying right now about the spot-on distillation of this monster’s motivations about having her crush “nooooooooooootice her.”

Danged youngster whippersnappers! Y’all are too young, or just too lucky, to have ever witnessed the “Cadillac” Cimarron. Here’s the beautiful 1985 concept model:

Now playing

For one horrible second, I thought I read that Maryland football was a “dysfunctional Piper’s Pit.” Whew!

You need to respect the original 2nd Wave Feminists for what they did in fighting a righteous war, just like you need to respect WW2 Allied vets for doing the same. But if you keep that wartime mentality for 35+ years, well after the military/political/social landscape has changed and evolved, then you place yourself

But dafuq is this respectful young man supposed to call this monster? “Miss” is only used for women who are younger than you. Forcing kids to always use your last name, as in “yes, Mrs. Dumbasfuck” is too cumbersome for even hierarchy-driven institutions like the military, or the court system.  Hell, even the nuns

God grant that she takes her release lightly, violates her probation, violates it again while awaiting trial for her first violation, then be forced to serve out her original sentence. And the devil grant that she mouths off to the wrong woman while in prison, and gets whupped like whole cream a couple-few times.

he thinks New York is “backwards” compared L.A.

Elias is 15, and uses the term “YOU BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF JESUS.” I am ashamed at my own lack of accomplishment.

You guys are so funny. EVERYONE knows the best pizza is from California.

I’m unworthy.

Man, the lobbying efforts of the Emu expatriate group, “EMUlate ‘32” have really paid off. If Cuba had emus, Havana would already be part of Florida right now.

Why, thank you! Now, if you’ll excuse me...

Nope, Bark is a real person. EDSBS liked to refer to him as “Our Steampunk Emperor” back in his LSU days, and Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe (who’s a big NFL fan) named his fantasy team “Barkevious Mingo’s Mum.” Most tellingly, dude earned the NOTY 2009 Name of the Year.

Actually, the Terps have run pretty clean programs, esp. compared to the Kansases of the NCAA. But there is reason for worry right now, as the FBI is taking a pretty long look at the hoops program for possibly being involved in the same recruiting and player-payment scandal that has already cast a shadow over

Ah. Gotcha. And if it’s any consolation, I understand about being a fan of a team that has a lot of morally compromised history... I’m a Terrapins fan.