
Man, after seeing him do it in those training videos all in one fluid take, it makes me sad that it cuts on every single hit in the film.

Yeah, I’d expect that kind of disinformation from a fan of the Metric System...you know, someone who wants America to bow down to a foreign ruler.

Huh. My first thought was that a columnist for the Globe had done some poking around, found a bunch of stories that didn’t add up, but was suspended for some suspicious reason right in the middle of his investigation.

I don’t know what it is about them but engineers seem disproportionately prone to this kind of shit.

“Noggers.” As in, they drink egg-nog. Bharbie is more of a wassail girl herself, but she’s quick to throw hands at anyone who hates on fans of the nog. Most of the feuds between YouTube and Instagram personalities involve sharp differences of opinion regarding traditional Christmas beverages.

“If a window was broken or a drain was blocked up, someone was certain to say that Snowball had come in the night and done it, and when the key of the store-shed was lost, the whole farm was convinced that Snowball had thrown it down the well.”

 When you heard the name “Judge Kimba Woods,” you thought it was some 50-year-old black dude/woman.

[...]especially over Comerica’s decision to move the contents of Prince’s vault of recordings from Paisley Park to Los Angeles.

[...]people bring a bunch of snakes to worship or worship with[...]

If I am raised in a so-called factory farm in the air conditioning, I will not need cover myself in anything.

Okay, I see all of the comments that LI battery vehicles are different from ICE ones, and that charging totals=/= gas tank top-offs, etc., etc. But as a non-electric vehicle owner, I’m still curious: How long does it take a Tesla, with its older battery design, to go from 80% to 100% charge? How long is it for one

51. Be the absolute G.O.A.T. at tennis.

Relevant education and experience:

That feeling when you realize there’s been a “cotton-picking” sized hole in your anti-racist & slur-prevention protocols for decades, silently lurking, undetected, and just waiting to make you look like a bigoted piece of shit.

It’d be a good chance for Trump to whiz past the piddling dribble of yellow journalism streaming out of the media, thanks to all those leakers.

Go have a cannibal sandwich you cretan.

Christ Almighty with water-wings and tubes in his ears, fuckin’ EQUUS? Really, people?

turning off twitch chat is the first thing I do any time I load up any stream, period. As far as I can tell it’s never had any redeeming value