
Very good run. Awesome TD celebration.

Whoa. Did not know about his nazi memorabilia fetish. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised...but I am, a bit. When a significant percentage of people who have read your writing, heard your words, and watched your actions come to the conclusion that you’re a racist and a bigot whose regressive strain of cartoon

Can’t argue with you on the whole LiAngelo-caught-shoplifting-in-fucking-CHINA thing. But I find it hard to call down the thunder on anyone who shades the Goddamn President when he needy-Tweets about whether he’ll ever receive the kowtowing he thinks he deserves for whatever trifling shit he’s got going on today.

Yes. We are all as one in the Great Pitcher of Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid...breaks through walls, my friend.

It still amazes me that the voice actor, Gary Anthony, could be made to look so much like Uncle Ruckus in real life.

You meant LaVar Ball, right? Maybe you could reconsider his involvement. The man might be all kinds of chest-thumping crazy, but I’ve never seen a hint of him being on the wrong side of the Struggle. Hell, his level of ain’t give-a-damn was just on display in his recent media feud with Trump over the whole

Oh, def. the tiny packets. My mom would give the bigger pouchy packets, with the sugar already mixed in, serious side-eye. “Let the rich people buy that,” she would say. “That whole pouch, and all it makes is one pitcher!”

Steiner 5:38— I just kicked your ass (at predicting the outcome of our upcoming election, via collation and interpretation of comprehensive statistical data gathered through region-specific polling, with such polling conducted according to contemporary best-practice methodologies)!

This was really, really good!

As a great bard once sang, “You’ve got to check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

I’ll confess to being at least a little disappointed that Mr. Douglas isn’t advising us to sportfuck our way out of looming deadlines, thereby passing responsibility for meeting them onto our partners.

You write great stories, Mr. Obuchowski. Thank you for this.

This is, quite possibly, the most classically engineer-ish take I’ve ever read. Bravo, icelandr! Keep reinforcing that stereotype!

Rafi, don’t you know that the best guillotines are the ones that can fly?

That’s a brilliant and well-presented argument. Just one thing, though: Was your comment meant to be in response to my stuff about why hyperdrive kamikazes weren’t a practical tactic in the SWU?

I agree with your point, but I think it’s imprtant to note that Yoda didn’t blast the tree with Force lightning. Instead, he called lightning down upon the tree from the stormclouds that were already in the sky above them. The two aren’t the same—if you’ve ever played D&D, it’s like a wizard casting Lightning Bolt

That’s possible, but NFL teams are such money-printing machines that it’s hard to believe that he’d sell it without a thorough financial study and valuation—the kind that takes a lot longer than the 6 or 7 days that passed between the allegations and his announcement.

Southern girls must be gangsta as hell if they don’t blink at the thought of an 81 year-old man with a razor doing the yardwork on their stems. I wouldn’t trust most 81 year-olds with a garage door remote, much less an implement of bloodletting.

The Death Star’s shields had to have been orders of magnitude stronger than any ship’s shields. But yeah, drone hyper-kamikazes do seem like a workable option...

Enough to have been asking if he could shave his secretaries’ legs inside this calendar year, apparently.