
You and interruptingcat just pulled off a commenting alley-oop:

You and Libraryanneagain just pulled off a commenting alley-oop.

I went back and read the previous 2 articles featuring Dr. Grosvenor, and I recommend you do, too. The cat is fucking amazing.

Now playing

You know, for a brief moment, I actually wondered if maybe the keeper thought to himself, “what a ballsy move. Maybe I’ll do this bloke a solid and give him a thrill. Failed save attempt in 3...2...1...” But then sanity kicked in, and told me the same thing you said: No man in goal thinks like that.

Agreed. Once the keeper committed to diving for the save, he doubled or tripled the awesomeness factor of the moment, regardless of whether he saved or whiffed.

That’s an impressive lack of commitment to faking it.

This dude is truly living his best life. He needs to send a gift basket to that goalie, though— this once-in-a-lifetime moment would have been a lot less awesome if the keeper had ignored his antics and just dismissively watched as the shot went in, instead of dynamically leaping to try to save it.

Second video, at 1:16—Ultraman Belial appears. I’d buy this game just for that.

Who *hasn’t* had that embarrassing experience of typing out a racial slur and hitting the SEND button?

Ah, but the NYT wasn’t throwing around a problematic word by printing “cock.” Ten percent of the population of the US isn’t suffering the repercussions of 350 years of their forebears being considered subhuman “cocks,” and nobody is more likely than anyone else to be called a cock based solely on the color of their


Niiiice. Very nice.

Pitch fuckin’ perfect.

Whoa. That angel’s-food cake must have been fuckin’ HUGE.

Criminally under-starred.

Watching that filled me with unbridled anger! Canter petty ass get banned for this behavior?

Waitaminit. Your comment...it rhymed.