
Your apology is unnecessary. You know what it is, Rom Romberts.

My God, that .gif is beautiful.

Have you seen how hot Dolly Madison looks nowadays? She credits Zumba, but I’m thinking Zingers.

Things had escalated to physical roughness, and as former NBA coach Don Nelson always said, arguing becomes useless from that point forward.

Yeah, surnames can place a whole bunch of extra rules and prohibitions on your shoulders. I will now relate a long and rambling story that you never asked to hear.

Now playing

Agreed. Also, you have seen his turn on That 70s Show as a Star Wars-obsessed minister, right?

Be grateful. Hunger Games-themed pin-up cosplay would’ve inflicted a lot more ick.

Damn straight. Epeės, at most.

Dammit, McDowski! Now you’ve gone and sent Rick Barry into campaign mode.


Has there ever been a time when a sports event was starting, and you tuned in, and saw Brent Musberger was announcing, and felt...disappointment? Or anything but “fuck yeah, let’s DO this?” From Magic Johnson’s big-time debut onward, I’ve always been glad when I was lucky enough to have Musberger broadcasting an


Yeah, it was a great scene from a great film—but Cinefix got it completely wrong. By the time the scene with Hildy’s fiancé happens, the audience has already had 10+ minutes to assess the personality of  Cary Grant’s newspaper editor, Walter Burns. Egocentric, conniving, a friend to gangsters who orders his copy

Golden Tate with the Leg Lariat for the win!

You missed the point so badly I just...I don’t know. I want to hug your parents and write them a cheque and tell them I’m sure they did their best, you know?


I take odd satisfaction in the occasional superstitious habit: tossing a pinch of salt over my left shoulder after spilling some, for instance, or never mentioning during a drive if traffic happens to be oddly light (I’m based out of L.A.). But despite this quirk, I really don’t think of my self as a superstitious

Actually that was supposed to read:

M. BooberryPie, not Msr. (wait — is he a monsignor?).