Oh honey no. The only fees were shipping fees, and they aren’t even accepting that anymore. Sorry, but that’s not true at all. This kind of dumbness is sad, seriously.
Oh honey no. The only fees were shipping fees, and they aren’t even accepting that anymore. Sorry, but that’s not true at all. This kind of dumbness is sad, seriously.
They’re not “baby parts,” you dope. They are CELLS, mostly and tissue. I love how y’all use “baby parts” to make it sound like little arms and legs, but it isn’t that.
This makes my stomach burn with fear just reading it. I’m really struggling financially right now because I made the mistake of taking a full time job that is underpaying me, instead of staying with my series of part-time jobs where I was paid more. I thought having a full time job would look better on the resume, and…
Me too. What a terrible situation.
Aw, man. It’s a dude and a drug at the same time. :(
No, I’m with you.
I so want this to be my job.
Blotting or not blotting, you have now made me want pizza. Damn it. I swore no more eating out this week.