
If I recall correctly, she dropped the lawsuit when she started receiving death threats from Trump supporters.

I dont go regularly but I’ve been to many a Catholic mass in my time and there is no way I will ever use that communion cup. I get my magic wafer and that’s it. If God wanted me to have the wine he would not have made me a germaphobe.

Yeah, bigoted people don’t sit around pleating their fingers and plotting their next eeeeeevil act. They live normal lives, do normal things, love their family, love their pets, go to work, eat dinner... its just that they ALSO believe a lot of fucked up bad shit and sometimes express those fucked up bad shit beliefs.

Dear God, me either. My younger (35 yr old) daughter has done everything in her power to ruin my holidays. You guys, I feel weary and despairing to the core of my soul.

What they are not saying is that they are most likely waiting until tRUmp is out of office to announce that they are investigating his role in Epstein’s crimes.


If you read this article and think "he was possibly a difficult individual” no one cares about your opinion.

I’m sure “the lowest moment” of Kevin Hart’s life was not when he cheated, but when he got caught. And if his partner had never confronted him, he’d carry on with his shitty philandering and never give it another thought. In my experience, this is how most dudes function. 

It’s called a den. Gender-neutral and one less syllable.

I hate that term! When we were looking into buying our home, I expressly forbid my husband from even mentioning the words. Like sorry, if you want a room to yourself that you can decorate like a frat house and make a mess of beer bottles in with your friends you can live by yourself. Otherwise you’re sharing a clean,

Don’t forget the assault charges are for sending men to beat up 2 women because she suspected her husband was cheating with them. Love when the white feminist blog gives this person passes. 

Ahhhhhh America. The land where if an educator ever hopes of earning a wage that will take them slightly beyond the nerve wracking paycheck to paycheck lifestyle, they have to spend decades of their lives earning a masters degree and numerous certifications in hopes of getting the slight comfort of tenure. But a

I’ve always like Joshua Jackson, and they are a beautiful couple.

But what kind of person is bothered by a mother feeding her baby?

This is a clear-cut case of When Words Fail You, Just Kick Them in the Shin Under the Table.

The inlaws were right

Right before I read your comment I literally whipped out both boobs from my nursing tank to let them breathe before breastfeeding. Tits, they’re what’s for inner.

Interesting article, thanks Emily.

Anyway, the fuck is this?!