Heh, and the democrats aren’t insane? Good joke friend!
Heh, and the democrats aren’t insane? Good joke friend!
Wow, are the words on paper magic that magically make people in the branches of government obey them?
Please tell me more about your religion of the holy trinity of government branches.
Laws don’t solve problems. If words on paper could somehow force people to do things, then the constitution would actually limit the government and yet... it doesnt does it?
>theres no simple answers!
>derp, the govt will fix it! lets pass a law!
Return of Kings are not MRAs.
Yeah! fuck white people, if they’re not attracted to black people they’re racist and if they’re attracted to black people they’re racist.
fucking racists, I swear, having preferences and shit, the absolute worst.
No the problem is that you seem to believe that black people are incapable of having objectionable opinions about things.
“black people can never have thoughts I disapprove of! that’d be impossible!”
If by affordable you mean others have to pay for it... in which case, I can’t imagine why others would care.
I either replied to the wrong post of yours, or you thought I replied to another post of yours.
I was responding to this.
“I can’t remember the last time that I was asked out on a real date by someone I’ve met in person... there’s been men I’ve met I would have loved to have gone out with... but I don’t think people…
Did you ask them? Or did you simply wait for them to ask you?
theres nothing stopping you from asking someone out, so stop why are you waiting for someone to ask you out.
remember when a bunch of lefties occupied various different spaces around the country, many of which were public property and they literally called it “occupy” and none of them were bombed?
Remember when cities had riots where they were literally burning down their own cities and they weren’t bombed?
Well the same sentiment is true about gun control then, as laws are enforced with threats of violence and that violence should it be necessary to enforce the law is dealt with GUNS by the state.
Whats wrong with libertarians moving to a state and using your precious democracy to seize the government?
A.) I didn’t say that humanities led to socialism, I said that the people who study them tend to be socialists (when compared to say... STEM majors), if you are to deny this you are denying reality.
B.) Whats wrong with thinking critically with regards to self interest? is there something wrong with self interest? Also…
If the humanities are so good are being resistant to propaganda, and so good at reason, logic, argument, etc.
Why are they all a buncha socialists?
but remember kids, hermonie is black, james bond is black, and of course santa is black!
I love how you left out the genders. Tamir probably would have been less likely to have been shot had he been a black woman. even less likely had he been a white woman.
And this crazy white lady would have been more likely to had been shot had she been a man. and even more likely had she been a black man.
5% of the known universe is bigger than earth.