you don't care for music, do you?

my two cents - maria bamford 

Brava Jane Fonda! Beyond the sexual predation which is horrific and certainly does not need belabouring from me - she embodies a common reality - that strong intelligent women, despite external appearances abnegate themselves and their capacity due to internalized patriarchical ideas of not being sufficient - this is

agreed - it was repulsive and disappointing - he was a wolf in feminist clothing, using the language of enlightenment to lure women and simultaneously deflect suspicion - further the Canadian Broadcasting Company were he worked, also a presumed bastion of liberal thought, excused and minimized his behaviour allowing

ahh in your “nature” you say Mr. Lynn - that well worn excuse of the workplace creeper - how is it that after all this time you have failed to recognize that when a woman is smiling with dead eyes, when she is clenching her jaw, when she is giving you half-hearted one word answers, when she finds excuses to not be

of course they are - I guarantee that they didn’t realize the Russian flag had changed from the USSR days - their points of reference are 30 year old movies - like Rambo, Hunt for Red October and anything else on perma-rotation on regular access TV - these movies use the USSR flag and the terms Russian and Soviet

hmmm if the gun “just went off”” should he be a police office whose responsabilities include the carrying and lawful use of a gun. I mean is this not a skill he has down to an art - so either terrible police officer or terrible human - but most likely both - what garbage

agreed on the second point - what cannot be lost is the cabal of fascists behind this bargain basement crudmonster - they are entrenching and consolidating power while Trump generates sound and fury to distract us all - let’s keep trying to look behind the golden curtain is all I’m saying 

the last time i though about U2 its when they were my uninvited and unwanted iphone squatters - and now this - uuggh - clearly growing old with grace is not a gift bestowed upon everyone - again uggghhh

Comment direct follow-up on Joanna’s so simply agreeing with her an the absence of snark

I sense no snark - Hubbert’s comment just reads as quintessenionally French intellectual and the humor lies in the chasm between the mindlessness of the question and her curt and clearly exasperated response - good for her - what kind of questions are these ???

speaking as Mother and a Woman who is also a physician/surgeon whose mother worked full-time, I would like to speak to two points:

I love how Trumplestilskin is raging mad about “low-life leakers” - just so angry - grhhh -

I work in a medical clinic - obviously taking the day off is not going to work but we are donating a proportion of our revenue for the day to the ACLU - we may make it a monthly thing - we will be in a friendly manner letting our patients know of our plan


i was so close to using the word cunt a million times in the last week - thank you for opening up that door - because sometimes you just have to - her behaviour is cuntish beyond question - now I feel a bit better

I can’t even imagine what a nightmare living with this impotent toddler monster must be like - constantly reassuring his every move - constantly bolstering his crumbling ego - yes you’re the best, the biggest, the richest, the toughest and so on - every minute of every day - guaranteed no one wants him more dead than

I would like to say that in this fact alone, the esteemed Senator and I are in complete agreement;  I am also thankful I don’t live in Mississippi and he is not my representative

ha! ha! asshole

what’s next erecting a yuge monument in his own honour, will the biggest, best monument we’ve ever had be hiding behind a giant clown tie ?

or how about Tag der kleinen Hande und kleiner Penis und Patriotismus