“A diet of propofol and KFC is too much to ask of an actor.” Wow. I honestly expected better from The Root. After everything Michael Jackson gave to people, HIS PEOPLE: BLACK AMERICANS, this is how he is done in return. Michael Arceneaux, you do not deserve to be named after him. He was too good for you, he would have

OF COURSE IT IS TRASH. The book it was based on is false. These fake bodyguards did not work for him the duration they claim to. How can anyone defend this garbage? All Michael Jackson wanted was his privacy and for people to stop lying about him. This movie fails on both of those accounts.

He did not. He had maybe questionable art material that anyone can buy from Amazon or any reputable bookstore.

Good thing he’s dead so we can enjoy his music again he can’t sue the fuck out of Gawker like Hogan did for running tabloid shit with no real evidence.

I wouldn’t believe every story I read.

I don’t know — I haven’t seen a lot of uncircumcised penises in the wild, so to speak. If that’s the case, it does make Chandler’s testimony less meaningful.

Everything outside of the regular list of porn was from a “source” who was not named in the Radar article. None of the animal or gore porn was listed in the appended documents.

As such, I am in agreement with the original poster. This is nothing more than a list of porn that some guy owned, none of which was illegal.

I’ve said the same thing here in a few replies, but my point is this:

Uh no he wasn’t.

Yeah if you really want to know how he got acquitted just look at this page (warning it’s in depth about the collection). This stuff has been public knowledge since 2003. This isn’t some new info, just a tabloid wanting the clicks (not the most unbiased source lol.