
So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?

Ehh. As someone trained as an economist, that usually isn’t the case. In war, you make products that can’t be used for any sort of useful work. In the case of missiles, you make a million dollar unmanned airplane and crash it into the ground. Economically, you would be better off paying people to dig holes and fill

The ugly truth is that these are *awful* motorcycles. I owned the original 1972 model. I don’t know how they did it but, somehow, the Kawasaki engineers managed to hide a hinge somewhere in the middle of the frame. Lean it into a sweeping corner and the bike would set up a low-frequency oscillation. The less said

How is a flat-plane crank engine in an American muscle car basic? People are still trying to understand how this happened.

It’s gneiss when it works out, but schist if it doesn’t break up well.

He clearly got the wrong Aston.

The only thing that resembles “Microbus” with this is calling it a “Microbus”. It looks like a Kia Soul. Secondly- I’d be a tad suspect about an Electric car made by a company that can’t even make reliable electric power windows.

Parking a bunch of cars in the woods isn’t “saving” them.

Pretty much anything Jim Lytle ever had anything to do with, but the Alsetta’s probably a good place to start...

He finished the day at 5/20 passing with 4 interceptions.

“We don’t need unions anymore”

NFL.com posted an article on Welker on Sunday (which now seems to be gone?) that came across as a PR piece to get him back into the league. It was about what you’d expect - a guy with serious health issues and declining skills selling himself to NFL teams, while at the same time saying he’d be fine with not playing

Having been to the Northern Territory, this is in no way surprising.

This is what IndyCar and F1 should do. First, extend the rollhoop structure over the driver’s head. Maybe not enclosing the driver as they do in NHRA, but certainly cover the top of the driver’s head (protecting them in flips, against fence posts and walls, and against other airborne cars). Then, extend the cockpit

Not today, please.

No, no, no........ I kept dreading I would have to read this.

I had a similar experience many years ago with a washing machine. After a week of ownership, we threw in a load of wash before going to bed, only to be jarred awake by the smoke detector going off. The tub had locked and a rubber belt that rotated the tub continued moving, causing smoke and a strong smell of burning

to all “Jalopniks”

There was a great freakonomics podcast on this exact issue. Tipping should also be banned because two completely different people (young black man vs. mid 30's blonde attractive female) will be paid differently for the exact same service. If Target tried to do that to its employees, there would be a a riot. They