
Flavored pain is what I want though. Mmm, gimme those kettle chips and some takis too. Sweet sweet torture.

All of this. I am definitely in the high range of pay for my field (medical care) due to being a member of 1199 SEIU. G’bless.

Absolutely agree. Never understood the love for this movie. Actually, if it hadn’t been so over-hyped, I might have liked it more.

Ahh, the big hemorrhoid as my father calls it. 

I mean, to be fair, it was always pretty bad. I still love it though.

Today, CVS told Jezebel that the pharmacist, who “violated company policies and does not reflect our values” is no longer employed at the company and that CVS “extends its sincere apologies to Ms. Hall.”

Eden was only executed because she refused to repent - which was expected of her by her family when they turned her in. Why did they bring back Janine after she tried to run off with Angela? Because she’s fertile...


Why wouldn’t you be outraged now?

Absolutely. Rick sounds so much like Harmon to me I often forget he isn’t the voice actor.

Haha. Just wait. Sessions has already announced the creation of a taskforce to remove naturalized CITIZENS with errors in any of their past paperwork. They also want to do away with birthright citizenship. The next few years will re-write what it means to be American.

A white kitten!!! lmao

I love how she is really tugging her skin back in that one photo. They’ll never know, Ivana.

Wow, knowing that it is about his victory over tenants makes it even more disgusting.

They want to get rid of birthright citizenship and they are JUST gearing up to start dismantling it.

The vague hopefulness of the message, and the juxtaposition with 45s smug face gives off all kinds of sinister vibes. What does that message even mean? “Sometimes by losing the battle you find a new way to win the war.” What war? Who is this addressing. It’s newspeaky and creepy.

Somehow that message reminds me of “Arbeit macht frei” German for “work sets you free”. They put the words above the entrance to Auschwitz.

I would a lost a FEW of them kids by now. Congrats to her for winning the worst possible odds.

Something that is driving me crazy is how obvious money is a driving factor in who wins the competition. It has always been the case but now even moreso.

I agree that Asia should have won this challenge - it was the most cohesive of the 5. Aquaria is gorgeous as always but there is that lack of depth and arrogance that drives me crazy.