30 Year Old Mulberry Field

To speculate meta-textually, I'm guessing she will live at least through the next episode because the writers would have explicitly killed her in the last scene of this episode instead of leaving it to the beginning of next week's episode.

Whether or not such a person might exist in real life, it is pretty dull to watch.

I think he was on a live episode, wasn't he? Maybe I'm thinking of his appearance on Never Not Funny or something though.

Those stories are both partially true but neither is completely accurate. The sandwich story contains apocryphal elements ( http://www.smithsonianmag.c… ).

I think this is very plausible, especially given Varga's series of untrue historical anecdotes from this episode and the Lehman Brothers talk.

I'm with you. I was ready to bail after Gloria's sojourn in LA and the Don Hertzfeldt rip-off, but I've really gotten back into the show these past couple episodes.

Didn't we see at one point that he's bugged Emmit's phone? Plus there was the virus that they installed on the lawyer's computer when they tried to look him up. But yeah, other than that the show has been weirdly focused on having us watch him hunt-and-peck type people's names into google.

This seems like the most likely explanation to me. I'm guessing the show wants to move in a direction that will not require as much involvement from Erlich, and it's not worth the expense of keeping Miller in the main cast if they're not using him as much.

Yeah, I don't think the writers would have to jump through very many hoops to keep him around as an advisor or spokesperson for the gang if they move out of the incubator.

He seems like a pretty nice guy based on every interview I've seen him in, and what other comics have said about him (albeit in public). I'd say that at worst he seems a little pretentious about comedy in his WTF interview and his appearance in I Am Road Comic. But I think it's okay to be a little precious about the

I'm also a little bored with the the police characters at this point. None of them have really been developed beyond their establishing characterization, even Gloria. Maybe with Ray's death they will see more screen time and gain some forward momentum on their character arcs.

I was pretty confident she wasn't going to die because they would have killed her at the end of last week's episode if the writers were planning to have her die mid-season. But I had no clue about the specifics of how she was going to evade her demise, so the hotel scene still stressed me out.

What do you mean?

I'm doing God's work out here

To be fair, he doesn't have the very top button done up. It just looks like it because the second button on his shirt isn't positioned very far down the shirt.

We'll have to see. If that ends up being the arc then he is truly irredeemable.

I felt pretty bad for him when he finally reached out to the doctor the other week. He is finally coming to terms with the nature of his illness, but it took alienating everyone who cares about him to reach this point. Of course, he played a significant role in putting himself in this situation, but no one deserves to

You raise a good point about the pee motif in this season. I think the bit about topping the piss mug up with water strains credulity though. So for that reason, the fact that the mug is filled with clear liquid and the way Sy describes his experience later in the episode, I still think it was just regular old dick

I definitely wasn't expecting that to be the exterior of the restaurant were seeing.

I think both of your analyses make good points. While frostcircus is right that this scene comes close to being another iteration of 'atrocities are committed to a female character solely for the purpose of motivating the protagonist to action,' Nikki's characterization up to this point makes me doubt that this will