30 Year Old Mulberry Field

I think the reason those jokes stuck out is because they felt a little hacky. It's fine to venture into sensitive territory if the joke is really worth it (as is usually the case on Veep). The risk you take with that type of material is that when the joke falls flat then you've just said something both unfunny and

Andrew has the vibe of a guy trying to sell his grandma's VCR for coke money this season. I feel like they've lost track of his character a bit lately.

I'm with you in thinking this episode was too much like a standard sitcom. Too much of the conflict in the main plotline came from bizarre misunderstandings and characters being unable to explain things to each other (e.g., Chinese officials thinking Selina was making out with her daughter, Selina trying to hide the

I'm with you, I think the podcast could be made more interesting by editing out every sentence containing the word "wonderful."

Exactly. In his closing arguments, Kratz claims that there is conclusive proof that there was no EDTA in the blood. This directly contradicts the expert's testimony, which (in my understanding) states that the test can only definitively prove that there is EDTA in the blood; it can't prove that there isn't. I assume

It surprised me that the deleted voice mails never came up again. That seemed supremely sketchy to me.

I definitely agree - as great as the last shot was, I really wish there had been a brief epilogue about the aftermath of the stunt. Even though it would undermine the poetic element of the episode, it would help with the preservation of my sanity.

It's a weird situation, because Corey didn't explicitly consent to Nathan deceiving his grandparents and beginning a relationship under absurdly false pretenses (at least, based on the information given to us during the episode). Corey didn't seem to hesitate a whole lot before stepping into the fake life that Nathan

Well, that was simultaneously profound, incredibly ambitious, and deeply, deeply fucked up. Also, hilarious.

I mean, having the blood drawn while the guy was laughing out loud probably helped.

I have an explanation for the ghost writer's lazy eye: he has a lazy eye.

"…Wow, that was a good sentence."

Now that you mention it, it is fucking insane to give Rashomon 2.5/5, by any metric.

I love the movie but I still think this is a pretty fair review, at least in terms of the body of the review. It's a very enjoyable movie, but it's not exactly transcendent. Sure, it's unfair to hold any movie to the standard of being "transcendent," but this is Truffaut we're talking about. A 'B' Truffaut movie is

It seemed to me like Mark was hamming it up a bit in terms of stand-offishness and bluntness in order to align himself more with the 'reality tv' style of human behaviour. Not that he didn't come off as a dickhole, but I'd guess he's at least a little nicer in real life.

'So with your permission, I'd like to take this guy out on a boat, and then once he's trapped at sea, teach him a lesson he'll never forget.'

Ah, it's not that bad, at least in terms of the actual reporting. The editorials aren't fit for use as toilet paper, but the same could said for any those of Canadian paper I've read.

I cracked up when Hardwick revealed that he's going to donate 100 bucks to an anti-bullying charity for each of the hate-points.

I liked it too because it showed that even as that relationship has made the two of them even stranger than they were before, it hasn't made them less effective - if anything, they seem more capable than before.

It would be interesting, seeing as I'm 100% sure that Todd has never even heard of Staind, let alone listened to them.