
Wow just wow now you’re really actually trying to say that mom and dad roles don’t exist when it comes to the child? Because I’m not talking - OBVIOUSL - about traditional household 1950s organization but nuanced, complex, and separate parenting roles that of a mother and that of a father and you just in one stroke

Yes Susanne it is true unfortunately.  The Confederates have been really successful in propagandizing the Civil War to be some complex whodunnit mystery when really it was only about slavery with a clear good side and clear bad side just like WWII. 

Not my fault wizards can’t read and that the other guy just wants to cry and poeple to feel bad for him.  He needs to GROW UP. 

Wrong again wizard boy. You are trying to make me say that two dads is bad. No, I’m just saying that one will play the mom role whether you care to admit it or not.

Sorry maybe I didn’t make myself clear: Feelings < SCIENCE

We must remain hard at work then because last I checked Charlottesville - yes, that Charlottesville - was in Virginia.

Civil War was about slavery and slavery only full stop, if you tryna make it about the economics or anything else its only because you are a 1) racist and you 2) don’t understand history or literally anything else.

When you feel something Trump wins.  Feel nothing.  That’s the key.

I support all LGBTQ but won’t go against science and datat to do so - ten thousand years from now when we have enough data sets on two dads or two moms to say that it works just as well then I will agree with you but until then nope sorry.  it’s science, so one of the two male parents will act liek and be seen by the

To know history means you know that many socialism movements have been accompanied by a 1%-99% structure, one that is already in place now in America.  It is because of this they will be supporting our shift to the left - supporting to make permanence the enormous wealth gap.  And tit is with this rope we hang them.

Well, Trump should work with the media instead of against them.

I’ve got some science for you then wizard boy - btw, wft? - because ten billion years of evolution says yin and yang, male and female parents produce offspring and have cared for them forever and every single part of life is this way - from humans to the dumbest animals alive - and no matter what you say that’s just

you know its the people like you that make homohaters outta normal people.  You do more harm then good, so - again, like I said: STFU and also, by the way, GFY

not true: Israel

Me too.  Sick of it and done for a while.  Wake me when the primary is over.

You jsut lost.  Checkmate and better luck next time champ.

He finally admits his most embarrassing secret - that he is in fact a canadian.  How did I know sorry eh how on earth sorry did I know eh?

Go away.

This guy does a massive amount of cocaine.