
What?  Which difference?

That guy is Canadian FYI

“Progress isn’t always a straight line”

no argument there finally

I obviously know Willy Shakes used it as a verb.

Thanks for reading and summarizing my comment. You can read it again here

TLDR you said nothing new here at all and you’re from Canada which honestly I like but you. So maybe stop while you’re ahead?

some rocks

TDLR IDGAF American is the only non-white country in the West including Canada.

Brain isn’t a verb.  GFY

Because the news needs to still be the news.  You want precedent that POTUSes can just brief on Twitter and Youtube?  No.

at’s a good meme

This guy says that he is just from elsewhere and I’m being vague?  More means more than wherever he is from.  So tell him where then. 

Stop all that.  Two years is enough.

To see if you have solid grounds to make that comment. You obviously don’t.

People with mental problems

It is.  But I’m curious to know from where you are?

Term limits on Congress and term limits on SCOTUS. 

Rats are disgusting.  Just above snakes.  Find a new mascot or whatever.

Paul Ryan is part of the internationalist, corpo-fascist syndicalist neocon establishment. He is not part of Trump’s mob. And his legacy will be wringing his hands about the federal debt while increasing it at every opportunity.