
The RX-7 design included in this article is just gorgeous.  It should be released regardless of what powers it.  

Cars were supposed to look like darts and instead they look like fat beans.  This isn’t the future it’s a nightmare!

I’ve been in cheap Toyotas that had poor quality interiors, and I’ve owned a Toyota with leather and some good options that was closer to Lexus quality on the interior. Not quite, but getting up there. Yeah it definitely wasn’t perfect but it seems like there’s a lot of variance on Toyotas and maybe it has something

Prior to Last Action Hero Schwarzenegger movies played it straight and were often intense like Terminator 1 and 2 and Predator. Last Action Hero was self aware to an extent, which made it post modern, and marketed at a younger audience. Reviews weren’t good. It wasn’t terrible and I liked it but by changing the

Driving in NYC is super difficult for someone not used to it, can’t fault any self-driving software for having problems there. There’s got to be a lot of cities where self driving will be a workable thing first, and then at some point later it’ll be advanced enough for New York.  Or maybe require a special variation

This is a person who created this chaos on purpose. The amount of attention and frustration she got out of people from making everyone else deboard the plane, and make herself the center of attention, while simultaneously claiming to be the victim, has got to be like heroin to this individual. She’s not dumb at all

You’re right.

It makes sense if he “thrives on conflict” and is seeking it out.

Mental Illness - They’re absolutely mentally ill, look up the “Dark Triad”. Most people who are intelligent but still acting nuts are often not schizophrenic, they have a Cluster B Personality Disorder. In the case of Sovereign Citizens at least at a medium or higher level. People like this man in the story belong

Any Planet? Put Cybertruck or any truck on Venus and see how well it does.  

This car sucks, it’s for mall enthusiasts, not car enthusiasts. I’m sick of the way LED’s look. They look cheap as hell. They’re better than old incandescents because they’re not burning out all the time, and you can do more with them thanks to durability, but just little dots of light don’t look as cool as

Maybe that’s why they’re selling an SUV under the Mustang Brand. Lincoln isn’t working anymore, so they’ll dilute and devalue Mustang.

Exactly this.  

Thank you for bringing up the Tahoe. I’m regularly in the town where the Tahoe is made, and they’re everywhere. They used to be really ugly looking and now they’re less so, but they’re still slow and in the way. They tend to be piloted by the world’s most oblivious suburbanites with like 4 kids and they’re heading

What kind of problems do they have?

The 3rd gen Eclipse was such a let down, I can’t think of another car that failed so hard to meet expectations. They couldn’t have missed the mark any worse until the Eclipse Cross came out, but by then the damage was already done. The looks were wrong, the drivetrain was wrong. I guess that opened things up for

Have fun in prison you worthless piece of trash

How unreliable are recent Jaguars? I saw 70's-90's Jags driving around for quite a while despite having a reputation for problems. The I-PACE was looking good a few years ago, they’ve had some battery fires, but that’s more on LG. The F-Type looks cool but I have no idea. I sat in one at a car show and it was like

If the pick-n-pulls were draining the gas themselves anyway, and they just decided to sell it instead of disposing of it, then that would’ve saved some effort and made it just moving gas from point a to b without adding much labor. It’d just be another stop in that case. But yeah it doesn’t sound like a wildly

Ed Bolian of Vin Wiki comes across as full of himself and the channel is often boring