Am I bad because I’m only disappointed they didn’t go for it?
Am I bad because I’m only disappointed they didn’t go for it?
Yep; it’s their right, just as it’s mine to tell them to go fuck themselves.
The Fuck Your Feelings™ people sure don’t like having their feelings fucked with. something up with Jalopnik? No posts this morning? No NPOND? No QOTD?
Can someone please throw the DSGfarts troll into the greys where it belongs?
The cowards are using children as human shields, and you’re defending them. Fuck you.
That’s becasue you haven’t. Seen a peaceful protest, that is.
Good. Long overdue. I hope something other than their feelings gets hurt.
This model M5 in blue is my favorite BMW, it just speaks to me.
I’ve been thinking something similar living in Winnipeg. Our local police will ticket kids with Subarus for having a loud exhaust without even blinking, and haven’t done a damn thing to stop assholes honking loud horns at all hours since their demonstration started. Just start handing out tickets for noise and parking…
Arresting these chuds won’t do half as much as confiscating and crushing their vehicles.
Police are never powerless. If they aren't doing something, it's because they don't want to.
Ok, so I watched the Yellow Springs community meeting in question: Dave is just one voice of many on this issue.
As usual The Root has gone the way of Fox News for clicks and likes. Here is the actual story: The press trying to frame this is David Chapelle killing affordable housing for poor people. It’s not that simple. They offered a plan to get his $65 million investment, then switched up the project presumably to get tax…
These articles always bring out the “experts” on filtering. I truly don’t understand the impulse to have strong opinions on something you have zero experience in. Filtering is safer than not filtering, period. It’s not something the motorcycle world debates.
This dude breaks four laws at once and admits to doing it nearly a dozen times previously, and he gets reinstated.
which begs the question: “Why the hell are these not EVs then?” it’s literally the perfect use case for EVs since idling does not waste energy like it does in an ICE.
yep some people are thinking this is permanent lane splitting the whole way when it reality it’s just for stopped traffic so motorcycles can move to the safety of the in between spaces and when traffic begins moving they can simply jump ahead since “surprise” a smaller vehicle can accelerate much faster than a large…