
Many of us who love to drive are concerned what place we’ll have as technology like this becomes more common. But even if you love driving, I see the advantages in helping with some of the most boring and monotonous aspects of operating a car, like endlessly long freeway drives

Jail, yes. Prison? no....

A savvy political move to avoid any real legislation. They are pushing to have the ATF do it directly so congress doesn’t have a chance to pass anything.

+1 gun owning liberal who supports significantly stronger gun laws.

And there are already a shitload out there.

Technically not true, the trigger is being ‘pulled’ for each round fired. The recoil of the gun pulling against the force applied to pull the barrel forward allows that to happen very fast.

I am SOOOOOPer liberal (like, HC was too hawkish and too in line with investment banks for me, though I still voted for her). I own quite a few guns, they are fun and I hunt, I have a concealed carry permit and carry every day. I fully support MUCH stricter controls and bans that would force me to turn some of mine

Psssshhhh.... I live in FL, they gave me an AR when I crossed the border...

So effed up. If only we had real mental health support in this country.

This is why if you have a gun you keep it with you. Period. I hate those ‘concealed carry purses’... WTF do you think will be taken from you first if you are mugged??

Ban on *sales of new*.


Savage. Love it.

This. Just got a Sienna a few months ago, it’s just so easy to use...

No. The article you quote shows a specific local that is having issues, but net (country wide total) is in decline, has been for 10 years (as happened in Japan and other 1st world nations). We do have transmission problems (as exemplified by your article, new localized high rate consumers overwhelmed the

As a gun owner, concealed weapons permit holder and someone who carries daily.... WE NEED STRONGER GUN LAWS. Getting my CWP was a total joke and I (legally) own an AK (pattern semi-automatic rifle for the pedants) that there is no record of... even just closing the ‘gun show loophole’ and sharing state registries for

Tesla is doing a 100MW installation in Australia. Still super duper expensive, but with every install and every new innovation the cost comes down....

JEA (Jacksonville Energy Authority) is decommissioning it’s only coal plant because it is no longer economically viable as a generator. It had been running on coal from Columbia for years (haha, coal is dead). But it cannot compete with renewables and the new combined cycle gas turbines (much more efficient, clean,

Storage is it, grid scale storage. Renewables are great but hard to schedule, storage deals with that. Lots of ideas in practice now (battery, mechanical), but none have really taken off yet