
His response was him speaking as a Veteran. I think he is angry and sad, and of course that will color his statements. But he was not used in the same way she was, he spoke, she did not.

Regardless of her intentions, her very real grief and her own personal strength, Trump used her. She was invited the day after she learned of her husbands death... no one makes fully rational decisions in that time.

Sorry for your loss. I agree, but I can also see how Mrs. Owens could be coerced in her time of grief and does not deserve the (full) blame.

In all fairness, he was responding to an easily disprovable lie...

Me too. Not an excuse.


That’s actually not true. Watch the feeds for that moment, everyone stood.

HD is a luxury item in India - it is not a family vehicle. Anyone who has an HD there has a car, or other bikes to use as the family ride.

Ina May is a hero. Have you ever heard her speak (even on a video)? Good stuff!

My wife is due next week (we are planning a home birth), my sister (an MD) had both of hers at home (I was there). Birth is beautiful, amazing, and a shining affirmation of the power of women. The vast majority require no medical intervention!!

This is exactly why you don’t tailgate, no idea what’s in front of the driver in front of you! It especially cracks me up to see people tailgating tractor-trailers. The shit they throw up will total your car...

Follow the money, always follow the money - in politics as well as business it will show you the truth.

Hey, I am only 36 and still totally got that...

That’s good that it is... Hopefully other states will learn and follow suit.

So because you got in one accident you gave up and now just wish death on anyone brave enough to keep going? It’s not unfair, riders pay different costs for those advantages.

CHP actually finally issued guidance for lane splitting. Common sense stuff, don’t do it at full speed, keep the speed differential down, etc. No it’s not explicitly legal, but yes, it is NOT ILLEGAL. Which counts.

You are officially the asshole. Why don’t you ride if you are so eager to get through traffic?

If they don’t have lights on, they are required to obey the same traffic rules as you or I (not that it works out that way, but laws and stuff).

All embassies around the world assume all their phones are tapped and all signals in and out are being monitored and recorded. This was a call to an embassy on US soil, so to think that the FBI/NSA are NOT listening in would be just stupid.

In my experience yes... PhD + Beer = interesting experiments