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    “Volvo is a fantastic car company but it also needs to be a tech company” is the kind of thing that the CEO of a much bigger automaker might say and still have trouble getting people to believe it because the best software engineers in the world don’t work for automakers, they work for, you know, Google. That Volvo’s

    I guess that’s all I can see as a person who does not have a facebook acount and cares nothing about having a facebook account.

    I’m prepared to be dismissive of the pilot, but given his reaction and what he’s posted to FB - and then NOT updated since 2018 - he might be kind of a baller.

    In my state I think it might get in front of a jury. But I’ll pay the costs - I just want him testifying on the record about what happened, and his role in it. I’m think he very much will not want that to happen.

    Take me to court, bud. I look forward to your testimony in front of the court. I’m going to want the jury to hear my daughter testify and see the photos of her injury, she’s absolutely got the guts for it. I am, however, unclear at which point you will get charged with child neglect.

    Maggie Mull, with sympathy on the loss of her father Martin.

    The losses may hurt regular Americans more, but regular Americans - the 90% of us - own only 7% of the stock market. It’s bread and circuses. Institutional investors will take the majority of the hit.

    If you did then no, no you’re not.

    This Democratic administration has devoted more effort towards preparing the American economy for the decades ahead than any since FDR’s, and it’s not close. 

    Oh, well-spotted.

    Golfer Costner is my favorite.

    Wait, whaaaaaat....?

    Thanks again, much appreciated. I like mine particularly because it’s completely non-descript, so some of the new styling is just not for me. When it’s time, and that’s not all that far off, I will take another look before they go EV. I don’t hate EVs, just won’t work where I live. Thanks again!

    Thanks so much for all of this. Maybe I’ll take another test drive. Do you really think the seats are that much better than the Mk7 R?

    I drove a Mk8 GTI and really didn’t like it. Maybe the things I really like about the R will outweigh all of the things I don’t like about the new one, but we’ll see. VW is pretty clearly looking at a different market segment with this car, and it just doesn’t happen to be mine.

    I started to go through this point by point, but CarPlay and (physical) buttons will be better and far safer for me in virtually every case. Remains to see how much of this and how much will be on chip and how much will be cloud-based. amyy default assumption is that VW will be using this to train their systems on my


    “Faze.” We’ve been over this, Jalopnik.

    Now playing

    This COMPLETELY ignores the effect of “apparent wind,” which is the basis for the most modern sail racing. As the boat moves forward, the sailor begins to feel “the wind in his face” along with the true wind. These two vectors are additive, meaning that the airflow across the sails is now stronger than the wind

    I don’t get that at all. This is a LOT of money in photography alone, even get out some crimpers.